What kind of team are you looking for? Endurance, Race Age: 16 Country: Poland Preferred Car/Track: Aston / FZR How Active Are You?: Playing everyday What Kind of Control do you use? G25 Time Zone: +2:00
Im need to find a new team, because i left off Conquest Racing. And im looking for a team who's driving in GTAL or IGTC. Expecially i love to drive FZR so i think i can be useful to drive in some leagues.
City, Country: Cracov, Poland Time (local): 10:46 AM Weather conditions: Quite normal, +17 °C How you feel about it: It's nice cloudy weather so it feel's good.
I think we just have to do some servers which got passwords and its for people whos really know what is racing and having fun for driving. But not for only ELITE like Bawbag, Hugo Luis and all that guys...