What kind of team are you looking for: Race, Endurance
Age: 16
Country: Poland, Cracow
Preferred Car/Track: Any car/track, except BF1, and RAC
Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track: PB's can be under 1 sec. from WR
How Active Are You? Everyday, like 2-3 hours
What Kind of Control do you use? Wheel/G25
Time Zone: UTC+2
Session of Inicdent: Feature Race
Timecode of incident: --- (IDK)
Lap of incident: 3
Cars involved: 16/25
Brief description of protested incident: Before incident, i hit the wall, but i wasnt lose so much speed... When we get to the last corner, i going to turn in, and Ray was make "Pit maneuver", and i spin losing... 3 or 4 positions.