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S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :TM2 using it's own graphics engine as far as I understand.

I already know the sr for tm, but looks like tm2 looks a bit more that tm1
S2 licensed
The watermark should be add by lfs automaticaly is the "Best" solution to this matter

Is really frustrating that you are powerless when you see someon else using your privated skin


Is easy as is not, some skins are Really easy to "Remove" the water mark, in my case i'be created a simple skin for the lx4 and be using it for 1 year continuously

As you can see if someon wanna "Stole" my skin and remove a watermark should be easy...

But if lfs add a watermark all over the "skin.jpg" should be a better and easy solution, Of course this only apply on that 2 folders i mention before

Today i switched for the TRR skin to use it for a couple of races and this A$$hole popup on the track with my skin

When i ask hin from where he got it told me "From lfs/data/skin_dss"...
Last edited by Inouva, .
S2 licensed
TM2 know Cryengine 3 (?)

What are the System requirements?
Last edited by Inouva, .
Solution to stealing skins ( Idea ) ( Another.. )
S2 licensed
Well, is really crap when you do your own skin ( Privated in this matter ) and some ramdon a$$hole stole and use it without care about the copyright

I have 2 ideas

First one
Add watermark in each skin on the Skins_dds folder and skins_x (This could be done automaticaly by lfs each time that a skin is downloaded in game )
So next time someon wanna stole the skin he cant use it because have a watermark all over the pic

Encrypted the 2 folders skins_dds and Skins_x, so no one can "steal" your skin and use it
Last edited by Inouva, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Zay :I don't see what you're saying.
He never said it wasnt "ok". Please, read the post first, then make a reply.

Well, the op say he want a smoke mod, and TVE answer hin saying that those programsa are "ilegal" including smoke mod

Quote from TVE :Not that I am going to take any actions regarding this (I won't report the post), just though you would want to know that before the flamefest starts

With that he "mean" that the smoke mode is ilegal too ( That what i understood )

Maybe again i'be lost in translation, sorry
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Not to be a partypooper here, but the site has various mods and utilities that is against the rules given by the moderators / developers.

Not that I am going to take any actions regarding this (I won't report the post), just though you would want to know that before the flamefest starts

Edit: After a quick look on the page it seems that most of the dodgy stuff (VOB editing and stuff) has been removed from the page (agan, 20 sec look, did not look to deeply), and as long as it's just texture changes it shold be ok. The Tweak things are also accepted to be used offline, or in leagues online.

Smoke mod is "ok", it just add extra time to the smoke till disapear from the scene

I use it and is safe
S2 licensed
Quote from jrd.racer :Ahh well here goes.

Final Entry


External Pictures:

Struggled to come up with something, thought I would enjoy the theme better lol

Realy good job on the shadow for the xfg, but the "killing point" is the Yellow plate, you can select it and paint it black ( the yellow zone ) and "paste" the other plate ( Like you did ), Otherwise , nice edit
S2 licensed
Quote from Mustangman759 :it has a xfg in it you muppet, and its actually on the theme incase you have never watched top gear UK.
not like it matters you didnt post the external or the original...

Quote from jrd.racer :Dont you see the XFG in Mustangs pic, damn. And those pics in the OP are examples, we are not going to go make an edit just for the example pic. Now use your discretion and make pic with a LFS car in it and has someting to do with 'Road trip'.

See. he was/is high
S2 licensed
Quote from jrd.racer :Ok I dunno if your serious or not but that has nothing to do with LFS. Plus its just ugly.

Leave it alone, He's high
S2 licensed
The rick roll one was exelent
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Short and simple: No.
Reason, editing the shapes of the cars, known as VOB editing, is not allowed. This means it's not allowed to discuss and share them on the forum, and it's not allowed to use the mods in the game (there are also security checks that will kick you from online servers if you are using an altered car compared to the host).

If you still intend to continue the search for the wished material, I would suggest google. There are things out there for the ones that searching, but nor I or any other can go into deeper details than this at the current moment.

What have you done!!!!!

Almost a sale more for lfs...

S2 licensed
I'll do it, when you buy s2 i give you the mclaren f1 gtr "longtail"
S2 licensed
Well, i need a bit of info

Anyone completed the game with a HD 2600 pro? ( Yeah i know that the 2600pro is not supported )

When i was playing ( When was released ) i played it just fine till i start to deactivate the spores, i was with a odd visual glich that the entire img was like "Ghost" (i tryed to use the nanovision to avoid that glich and nothing ( I think is for the shaders and compatibility )

So, anyone finish crysis 2 1.9 with a hd 2600?, if yes, any driver in special? or any tweak?
S2 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :We say that to you all the time, and what do we get... Nothing!

Posted plenty of times pics of me on lfs and cargame forum
S2 licensed
Quote from boothy :Try these settings, with something like 16bit 1280x720 fullscreen, perhaps with LFS in high priority mode and tell me how much you get...

I dont play on 1280 i have a old crt so max res is 1024x768

And no, i wont use 16bit so lfs looks like crap
S2 licensed
Quote from :

@Inouva, you do not share your graphic settings, why should I listen to you?

If a four year old laptop can achieve an average of 50 fps+ with at least 2x AA, every machine can.


A four years laptop can have a C2D or Dual core, and is a faster cpu that a P4 3.2ghz, for the simple fact that the microarchitectures is better and faster

Mi settings on lfs

As i told you, lfs deman more CPU that GPU

The funny thing, i can run crysis 2 on mediun with 25-30fps all the time and when someon hit a object ( Like the incident of fern bay ) I have a massive fps loss, otherwise even on SC OC in a full grid start i have 25 fps
S2 licensed
Quote from :Yeah? You want people driving around with 15 fps?

No complaining about crashes then, because it's one of the main causes.

Oh wait, this is another one of those threads of people who actually do no racing online at all anymore.

Dave i told you the main reason of the low fps on some machines, the load of objects on the track, more objects = less fps, to add when someon "Hit" that object ( Such a bale or tires ) The fps can be drasticaly low in some cases

Do a test by yourself on the server , load a oc without obj ( just leave the important ones Like barriers and fences) Then the rest took it off and you will see the diff
S2 licensed
Quote from Amynue :Damage model is wierd. I mean driver's head fell off.

Video or pics or didn't happen
S2 licensed
Quote from Cameltoe :Some say you need to be throwed in the bin aswell.

Really?, like i give a Sh***
S2 licensed
What a dull thread, this need to be locked and throwed to the bin ASAP
S2 licensed
Quote from Whiskey :They are already infinite now.
If you need more than 2 unlocks per week you are doing something wrong

S2 licensed
Quote from bright devil :Just working on something.


Best rb4 i'be seen in many years on lfs

Now someon do that car in Vob mod, then a tweak server with slick mod too and we got a new gtr (?)