Shrooms are fking great!!!! just make sure that when u do them stay inside the house. i walked up the high street on shrooms man i was tripping so much i nearly started crying cos the lamp posts were trying to hit me!
Yes thats the one thank you. if its not sized and uploaded ill do both for anyone who wants to use it. i only used like 8 skin slots so im not short thanks m8 and nice skin!
E: No need it is already up on LFSWorld thanks again.
Can you tell me where i can find that road texture ales? im sure its the CLC mod i used to have but lost it and now i cant find it anywhere. a link here or PM would be greatly appreciated. thanks.
If you used your brain that wasn't aimed at you it was aimed at people who do certain things here. and iracing and rfactor are crap.....for me. they just lack something but i cant put my finger on it. maybe it is cos im more of a cruiser than a racer. they just dont grab me like LFS does.
Well if it has i completely missed it last time i did a fresh install. it wiped out everything, my skins, my setups. i had the champs 08 drift set and now i cant get it back
if you want to keep your setups and drivers and shit make sure you remove the setups folder and all the stuff u want and just delete LFS manually. DO NOT use the un installer it will wipe EVERYTHING!
I'm not a skin maker myself but i do know that they like reference photos so of a few angles so they can get it perfect so if u upload a few i'm sure they will appreciate it.