we should all join that ATL or w/e its called since BNP is gone lol say no to immigrants!!! im not trying to sound racist by saying that but shit! what a bunch of fking free loaders!!!!! if this post is inappropriate and a dev sees this please delete it!
Very smart way of hiding it. TBH i aint got no clue why he did what he did maybe he was gonna get a higher rank or some bullshit i dunno lol
mission spoiler: (highlight) I loved the part where that dude gets shot and u gotta steer tha car haha was great i tried drifting it lol. physics match Rfactor lol.
you cant change the looks of the cars....not legally anyway. if your caught by the Devs you most probably will be no longer welcome. my suggestion is the same as everyone else...buy the license.
Remember you only have TWO unlocks! and you use one you will get an additional unlock on the next friday to come. So you must of unlocked your LFS quite a lot of times in a sport space of time. you can either contact the devs or just wait a few days for another unlock.
Which is why we need to get it in the head of admins of hosts that they shouldn't kick the "noobs" as everyone seems to be known nowadays for silly reasons. They should at least give a warning no matter what they do to get it in the head of the offender that if they do it again, they are GONE! That way imho LFS would be a MUCH better place to be!