'Stole their design'. The ZEOD was designed by the same guy who designed the Deltawing. Fact check before you post shit. Also, the hybrid system would be easy to model if they were given the right information (like I assume McLaren did with the brakesteer system on the 12C). And even so, a basic hybrid system is not hard to figure out.
3 page report summed it up nicely. Is it really that hard to read?
Fuel flow limit forces the teams into investing heavily in building more thermally efficient engines which will hopefully trickle down into road cars. F1 cars operate 30-40% thermal efficiency when on track (40% is target for near future) while a road car with a downsized engine runs at <=20-25% efficiency when running anything over 3500rpm. Whether this was the main intent or a side effect of the rule is uncertain.
It IS done under one system. Even if the sensor is faulty, the FIA must agree that is it and then a predetermined system with correction factor is used. The teams ARE NOT allowed to use their own fuel flow models. Please ACTUALLY read the FIA report. As in the words.