Hey guys, DM is looking for your help on designing Next years Team Skin.. u have untill Jan 1 2010 12:00am EST to post your designs, at that time i will post a thread with everyones creations.. and we will have a cummunity wide Vote as well as a Team vote for the best one. so get out there and get to skinning.. Dm needs your help
Email me your designs and/or renders @ [email protected]
No pms keep ppl like u from getting my thread shut down.. so either start using them or just stop posting here period End of discussion
Also we did not have Lc shut down.. we had nothing to do with their stupid insim. the only thing i had against Lc was that they would kick us out for going AFk for 5 min.. then when other ppl sit they didnt get kicked that was the fus over that so get your facts straight b4 u try to blame a insim crash on us... and ill also have u to know LC didnt pay thier server host.. that is the reason they got shut down.. they dont even have a website anymore .. hmm u gonna blame the website crash on us too ?
hmm learn to understand before you flame Team Hoppers ppl who go from team to team with in weeks or days DUH i stay in teams.. that i ge into as long as i can so No me nor my team members Team Hop
i have a 40" monitor and im having an issues i didnt have on Z15 and i have no idea how to fix it.. there is a black bar completely around the screen i run windowed mode for msg reasons from msn etc.
we should have a New Drift insim coming to our Server in 14 days.. stop by and check it out please bare with us if there happens to be any bugs we will sort them our shortly... BTW i know the server is using lapper right now that will change in 14 days as i mentioned
Ok i have a helmet Design i wan use but i can only find a side shot and a profile shot of the helmet i hope this will be enough for you.. but baiscally i want the design it has just the Gold stripe i want Blue the rest stays the same Thanks in advance
the third picture is the same helmet but black designs are the same on both white and black versions of the helmet
Hey was wonderin if sumone could Render My team skins for me i have3 admin skins a 2 regular team skins i would like to see them lined up accordingly \|||/<--- and so one 3 Admin skins in the center with the to regular skins angled on the left and right
so basically sould be like this \ (FZ5_drftmech), | (XRT_drftmechbob), | (FZ5_drftmechbugz), | (XRT_drftmechtaz), / (XRT_drftmech)
"going by the layout i gave you" \|||/
PM me for skins file upload failed everytime i try to upload..
im still having issues uploading the skins add me on msn: [email protected] ill send you the skins thru there sense the forums are being gay for me right now