when can we see a realease else where then mega? i cant get mega either.. idk why but my Pc wont allow it... i eall like the replica.. i wish i could use it.. just cant download it... if u can send me the skin file and or dds files need i would be so happy.... Thanx in advance if u can help me out....
i know ur a busy man making new tires.. but if anyone else can make these for me.. i would really like to roll on these tires in the game as well... i have these tires on my G35
before u start saying that im a demo racer im not DRFTKING is my demo account yes but this is my S2 account i lost my account login info.. till just no so.. dont bark up this tree about me being a demo racer
i need like 3 diffrent skins... white base Lime green on all the cars. female members have purple included. also want carbonfiber hoods. s15 lights. XRT base car also.. i knwo u guys do great work.. if u could help out it would be great thanx
im looking for a good drift team.. thats accepts american drifters.. or a full blown Usa drift team... plz reply.. about me.. im a sorta good drifter.. im gettin better and better every day.. i have im a S2 racer.. i have a skin i can use.. at the moment.. its a beat up XRT skin.. that i can use till i have a spot on team.. and have a team skin of my own... plz reply..