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S2 licensed
I am looking into solutions that may make running this easier for whoever runs it.

Don't expect anything immediately though.
S2 licensed
Nah, I prefer a challenge.
S2 licensed
I have no problems with spam anymore. I spent a year of being bombarded by huge loads of spam, and it thankfully stopped about 6 months ago, having added about a million email addresses to the block list using the mark as spam button
S2 licensed
I suppose
S2 licensed
You can just put (at) instead of @ .
S2 licensed
You know I'd never have time to send out that many emails, because I'd be having dinner .
S2 licensed
Quote from dekojester :

1. Go to and click on "Register" on the lower left hand side. If you're already on the site, please edit your profile to fill in some new fields that were added - preferred number(s) and team info.

I don't know if it matters but it could be helpful to use the same username as your LFS account. Maybe it is irrelevant, if all the forms require you to enter your LFS username
S2 licensed
I would run it, but I have my mock GCSEs coming up, followed by my real GCSEs, and I generally don't have time to do it.

Whats with ending it on the 24th? That totally buggars the voting schedule. As the longest serving runner of the LFS Photomode competition, I demand that you extend it to Friday 27th.

Edit: I might kinda run it for a few rounds, but if I don't have enough time, someone else will have to do it.
Last edited by JO53PHS, .
S2 licensed
Quote from danthebangerboy :Whats the deal with the bonnet popping up at the back, presumably to stop pedestrians landing on your windscreen and the bonnet tilt makes em just roll right off before they get that far up the bonnet?

I suppose it makes the transition from bonnet to windscreen smoother, thus reducing the chance of the pedestrian smashing into/through the windscreen.

It appears to be a sort of snow plough, but for pedestrians
S2 licensed
Yes, it will, but I've had more important things to do that update the hall of fame recently.

I need to get deko to haxxor the website so that I have a suitable format with which to make the Hall of fame
S2 licensed
Quote from CIA World Factbook :
GDP Per Capita (PPP):
$600 (2008 est.)
country comparison to the world: 225

Maybe that has something to do with it?
S2 licensed
Right, you say mid 90s..

The user 'Ultra86' (on Streetfire) has a large stash of old Top Gear videos that date back well into the early 90s

Might be there if you have the time to look through them all. He has helpfully put an episode summary in the descriptions so you don't have to watch them all

EDIT: Had a look thru, isn't in any of the mid 90s ones, although that depends on your definition of mid 90s
Last edited by JO53PHS, .
S2 licensed
You sure it was yellow with yellow wheels?
S2 licensed
The Beatles - With a little help from my friends
S2 licensed
Quote from andRo. :Hi,
when will you update the info for 4SRT, that you asked to send? I mean about driver biography and telling about the team, team's website etc.. :P I send it one of the first, but I noticed that you updated for some other teams, but not for us.

Just wondering why did you ask, if you don't put it in the website.

I updated some other teams because I had time to do two teams. Then I ran out of time to do all the others.

I will work on it tonight
S2 licensed
Quote from morpha :Except the LFS CMX Viewer doesn't have the new rims, a grey ground and the sky per default :rolleyes:

Fair point
S2 licensed

And Top Gear is now on 1 hour later, so I may be able to attend to do something
'09 Round 6: Pre-Race Discussion
S2 licensed
Hello racers !

Talk about Round 6 of the 2009 MiniFBM Series here. I can't be bothered to write a stupid intro, because I have better things to do than repeat information that is already below. Apologies to those who like reading waffle. Mmm.. waffles. Please see the (soon to be) attached layout, which might also be on the NDR|MiniFBM 2009 server, providing that it is running*

*Server may not be running. Terms and conditions apply.

Track: Aston Cadet Reversed (AS1R)
Qualifying: 20 Minutes
Race: Sprint 14 Laps / Feature 27 Laps

Timetable: All Times are in UTC.
Server Arrival Deadline: 17:55
Qualifying Session (20 Minutes) Start: 18:00
Sprint Race Start: 18:30
Feature Race Start: 19:00

Server Name: NDR|MiniFBM 2009
Server Password: (See PMs (soon))

As usual, it would be a good help to us, although not required, but it would still help if you could post here whether or not you'll be there.

Bonjour !

Last edited by JO53PHS, .
S2 licensed
A quick look at the background of the picture would tell you it is LFS CMX Viewer :rolleyes:
S2 licensed
Quote from Xaid0n :

Beggers belief really... and also I've noticed larger cc cars (1.6) are cheaper on the insurance at my age than a 1.0-1.3cc engine >_<


Anyway, I think the secret is to get a car that no chav, boy racer or yobbo in the world would ever drive. A Volvo .

(Don't laugh, but I may actually do this when I am 17. I will just have to park 3 miles from School/University/Work to avoid being mocked :tilt It's either a Volvo or an (old) Saab... my dad wants me to drive a battleship for safety reasons.
Last edited by JO53PHS, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Xaid0n :I do too, people at college think I'm weird for doing it, but what people of the young adult generation don't get I think is that they wouldn't be here if it wasn't for those brave soldiers who defended us.

Really annoys me when people say on the 12th: "You don't 'need' to wear a poppy any more".

It's not like you should just rip you poppy off and sling it in the bin as soon as the 11th ends. They just seem to think that you should wear a poppy in remembrance ONLY on the Sunday and the 11th, and not for even a day or two afterwards

In my opinion, taking your poppy off immediately after the 11th and then actually telling other people to do it is just disrespectful. They're effectively saying "Sod the fallen soldiers, the 11th has passed"
S2 licensed
Quote from speedway :You forgot about being banned from your own team's server...almost.

That happens to me on a regular basis

My LFS achievements:
  • I got a CTRA Gold Licence. And CTRA closed very shortly afterwards = FAIL
  • I held a CTRA world record for about 15 seconds. Then someone else finished the race and beat me
    = FAIL
  • I was winning in a league race (believe it or not) and then I spun and half the field went past me
I feel proud of my great and numerous achievements
S2 licensed
Oh... I see

The lack of smiley usage in your post made it sound quite different to how it was supposed to sound.

I was thinking of this, in an XFG model. But with 500 trailers carrying general junk and fairground rides.
S2 licensed
Quote from pik_d :Do the racist one.

This is like saying 'chav' is racist. It just isn't. There is no religion or nationality of 'Pikey' or Gypsies. Sorry if I caused any offence, but I didn't think I would

Now please, I don't want to turn this thread into a discussion about what is and isn't racist, because that would just be a waste of time, money and internets.

S2 licensed
I could either make a decent edit or turn an XFG into a super long wheelbase extended double gyppo pikeymobile, just for the LOLs.

A tough choice