Yes was my fault i got banned, But all im saying is when i raced there.. The Marshals were terrible And they basically ruined my championship when i was leading it throughout the hole year.
Its a shame they found out that i stuffed the kid in the wall
Maybe it was most of my mates clapping which got there attention.
(Was a amazing crash though, Swiped the back of his kart and he went flying into the wall.)
Yea, it was what i done, but im saying.. there pure terrible.. I watched a honda cadet race, A Kid got stuffed in the wall and the marshal sat there looking at the ground.
They need to pay attention because otherwise i wouldnt of done what i done.
Your not one of the marshals who sit with there feet up and dont even bother watching the racing at bayford?.. thats all they seem to do, Ruined my winter series..