Yeah just started looking deeper in to this system. I submitted this report before you needed to do anything in the MyCTRA to submit a report. So that one is ancient history
Just noticed the same thing myself and was about to post about it. Thanks for the quick response though.
Checked the replay and it was the correct one so this time i've sent the right replay.
Any idea what to do with a earlier report which had a wrong replay in it, just noticed this when looking around in the check a report section where you can find the replay of earlier reports.
Wanted to report a wrecking and decided to check if I chose the correct replay. So pushed the send me the replay to my email, got the email but then clicking the link I just get this comment: "PAGE NOT FOUND. HAVE A HELP PAGE INSTEAD" . So am I doing something wrong or is this feature working at all?
Yeah still the same result. Don't think it matters where you try to connect from if it can't get the track info from the lfs server or what not. But worth a try, thanks anyway.
Ok sounds like a plan. I think others have had this problem also like mentioned in this thread. I think i have now tried to connect to it about a week, at first thought you were just testing with few drivers so didn't bother to say anything about it. So would have been good to say something earlier on .
Yeah still, allways had the same problem.
Can't see the race 2 server in the ingame server list at all. Trying to connect through the lfsworld and it says that cant get the track info. So is it in my end or in yours? Because every other server works just fine.
All of these changes sound very good. Just wondering if the low turnout on servers 2&3 are caused by the joining problem. When joining i get a message that can't get the track info. Atleast i have had that all the time, and i'm a pretty keen driver so the server is atleast missing me .
So it would be good to correct this problem first, before you change the system too much.
Warning: move_uploaded_file(c:\data\websites\\savedimages\1182255328.mpr) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\Data\Websites\\napp.php on line 48
Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move 'C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\phpE.tmp' to 'c:\data\websites\\savedimages\1182255328.mpr' in C:\Data\Websites\\napp.php on line 48
So something still wrong at your end or was it me this time
I'm having some difficulties sending a report with the wrecker report.
After pressing send i get this page telling me the page cannot be displayed. So am i doing something wrong or is it in the other end. The *.mpr is about 1.1mb in size so not too big i guess.
Reading the above posts and seeing some very good points made i would like to suggest something if i may.
Why not use similar kind of calculation as in the national standings, seems to me everybody are pretty happy about that system. And that way some drivers could be absent and not affect majorly to the whole points the team gets. So take account the whole number of team members, then X percent from that and use that amount of racers to calculate the average points a team gets from an event. Like this the whole team doesent need to be present to every race, but it still is good to be present to ensure stabile points from each event.
So for an example if a team has 6 members you could take acount for every event only the 4 best of these. In case there are less then 4 participants in an event for the team their points still get divided by 4.