Hi there again ! After starting posting here i have to post another post....

Anyway your arguments about car/track incompatibility are sound as also another's poster's,JazzOn witch was very sceptical about the quality of these user created content.
Car/Track incompatibility was partly to blame for Racer's "death" for those that remember that sim (Witch by the way is still being slowly developed) BUT the most important reason was the developer/s negative stand on some very very talented users to help him with the core programming and to develop a system for importing specific car data for each car so whenever a new version gets released it would always work based on that rock solid data...With that way it would have been a matter of tweaking physics for the entire engine so each car fwd/rwd/4wd/awd gets represended realistically....
Those that remember Racer it had for a time the most amazing models of tracks and cars....Even after so many years give a try to a hillclimb track called swiss stroll and you are going to be shocked from the models quality.
Anyway all those talented people migrated to rfactor and eventually made some amazing user created content...
In the begining to be honest most user content was to put it clearly......was utter rubbish...
Yet after people got familiar with the engine they started to make some incredible content there.....At this moment Rfactor has some of the best representations of many real world tracks like Nurburing,le mans,magny course,monza,lienz,spa,isle of man,mount panorama,paris,eastern creek,oran park,pikes peak,shangai,singapure,pau,fuji,montreal,barcelona,suzuka,monako,mont venoux and the upcoming mind blowing 70 mile targa florio...
And about cars were...there is some stunning f1 mods like fsone,ctdp 2006-9,some great classic cars mods like historic gt,world touring cars,posche cup,ferrari challenge cup,gt cars,lexus,supra,supra gt,corvete,skyline,skyline gt and i could go on and on.....
The thing is lfs needs users like that and the truth be told we have a ton of users like that,just go to LFSMODS.The quality of some cars as far as modeling goes can be compared easily to commercial products and some actually surpass many simiral models in recent racing games( sim and those bling bling arcade games)
I can only imagine what can be done with tracks.We could have scratch built versions of many if not all tracks i mentioned before or at least converted versions of the originals...
I wish the devs read this and in the future( maybe after the next physics update....) decide to add user created content availability...
Or if there is still fear of incompatibility at least unlock the tracks code as i can't imagine tracks to be affected that much with physics upgrades..