Yes I agree with you, I should of say that parents who let kids forget their language are a bit.illepall But I dont understand what you mean. I'm living in America right now and I speak very good in english and very good in polish. I think there should be no excuse for parents and childrent to not remember their native language. Most of the time its the parents fault. For example: Once I saw a kid talking to his mom in english, she didnt understand it very well but she still let him speak it. It's kind off kids fault too since they could think that their parents dont speak english well and would start speaking native language but they dont.
I have a essay to write in school about any topic. I chose to write about kids who forget their native language. So I ask you if this ever happened to you that you were in a different country and kids didnt speak your language even tho they came from the same country. Please write how you felt and how someone acted ehhh....... (I dont know how to explain it but you know what I mean ) I could wirte the essay without this but I want to know if this happens with kids from different countries, not just Polish ones.
Last edited by Kajojek(PL), .
Reason : Me wants to take away "stupid" word :)
Well I dont really care about football. All I care/hope for is the big fight that people predict between Polish hooligans and other nations. Its so entertaining to watch this. Here are some previews.