Yep that's right, UXRL is back. Season 2 will start in March and the things are pretty much the same as in Season 1.
UXRL is a league for UF GTR and XF GTR cars. These cars, sprint type races and general rules provides fair, fun and close door-to-door action in each race. Seasons have 4-6 rounds and each round consists two 20 minutes race starts. You must have a
Live for Speed S2 License to participate in the UXRL.
ROUND 1 08/03/07 Aston National rev
ROUND 2 15/03/07 Fern Bay Gold
ROUND 3 22/03/07 Westhill International
ROUND 4 29/03/07 Kyoto National rev
ROUND 5 05/04/07 Blackwood GP rev
Races are every Thursday evening at 19:00 UTC (20:00 CET)
Changes from season 1:
Basic format stays the same. Only few minor changes in rules, biggest is that in Season 2 resetting is allowed.
If we get more than 32 sign ups, there will be two divisions like last season. Otherwise there will be only one division.
Sign up:
Sign up deadline is 2nd March (02/03/07 23:59 UTC)
After that UXRL admins will choose the most suitable drivers that gets invited to take part in UXRL season 2. This way we hope to keep the amount of drop outs as low as possible. The final entry list will be published on 4th March.
Before signing up read the rules, check the calendar and if you fully understand the rules and you know that you can make most of the races fill the
sign up form
If you have any questions you can ask here or
pm me.