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I love zeh UFB
S3 licensed
Those look very good
Good choices of tracks there
S3 licensed
Quote from Drift King CZ :I used expressions like "it will be" etc., but yea, it's just the idea now... I even know the track for each round, the only problem at the moment would be balancing and some graphics / logos.

Sounds good, im no uber genious, but i can do graphics and logos
Nothing uber special mind, so if you need any help with that ill be more than happy to do somthing
S3 licensed
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :Obviously I'm not the right person to speak of that since I probably won't be the main admin next season, but those changes might be big-ish AFAIK

Oh, How come you wont be main admin?
I dont mind change, as long as the championship still provides good racing
S3 licensed
Quote from manneF1 :As Yann said, the main format will be pretty much the same, but we will have some minor chances.

Changes are good
As long as the league provides good racing with some good tracks, thats all fine by me
S3 licensed
I would love for another season to come out
Had some great racing last season
S3 licensed
Im gonna have to withdraw from the league, i just have no time to race this championship anymore, GL to all the guys racing
S3 licensed
Quote from baSh0r :Romper Stomper

LOL! Thats just crazy name :P
S3 licensed
Yann i wont be able to make the race, so you can give my slot away
S3 licensed
Quote from Tomhah :Unfair I had it first (a)

Dont worry, i will help you get it back ;D
S3 licensed
My condolences, R.I.P
S3 licensed
Quote from CSF :Wouldn't be congratulating Joe just yet, remember the red flag incident where Joe was being a bit of a numpty.

Yeah my bad there, i thought i was ahead of that guy, but clearly not
My appologies to him
S3 licensed
The BL1r layout is good, apart from that second chicane, its just tight and horrible, even an MRT would struggle with it
S3 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :Withdrawn, because of not being able to use chase view despite having made sure that I would be able to use it way before the season started. If I had known that I would be unable to use it earlier, I wouldn't have signed up anyway.

Sorry if I annoyed you, deko, but I was kinda disappointed because I was really looking forward to this.

I think for sure people who are experianced and have clearly shown themselves to be able to use chase view without causing incidents should be able to use it

But its not my call :/
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from Criminal-Team :Not me, I saw your post before in this thread.

No, it was in the other thread 'Is this allowed ' But anyway, its over now we've said what we wanted to so thats the end GL Hotlapping
S3 licensed
Quote from :I thought this topic was about speed hacks


It is, but for some reason Criminal team posted about cutting in this thread instead of the other one :/
S3 licensed
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :My 2 cents:

1) No wonder why hotlapping has such a disastrous image on LFS with such pathetic arguments.
2) You're all off topic. Go read the OP once again, the purpose of this thread was to report some random speed-hacker, not to deal with cutting on ky3r hotlaps.
3) Post #152 is quite obvious anyway. 4 wheels on the artificial tarmac area on the 3 pictures, you're all cutting.
4) Love how #147's unbiaised. Nice back-up attempt.
5) I'm running out of chips now:munching_

My favourite is number 5 Gimme some chips aswell?
S3 licensed
Zomg, if you think i cut then thats all that matters, but in my view, i have 2 wheels on curb.
Now end of this crap for me, i cba
S3 licensed
Quote from Criminal-Team :kart-36 before ... t-36/lfs_ky3rkart36_2.jpg
kart-36 after ... /kart-36/lfs_00001188.jpg
me(Litro) ... /kart-36/lfs_00001192.jpg
There You go. And now you will say again that you cutting is not cutting...

Well im my opinion i have 2 wheels on curb, but clearly you dont. But mehh...
S3 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :I honestly cannot be bothered anymore.

Its like explaining something to a wall.

Have fun.

Lol, you just say we carnt go beyond white lines, but the curbs are beyond them, but anyway bye Enjoy
S3 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :So? 2 wheels over the bump. And 1, or arguably 2 on artificial. I honestly cannot believe you are still defending yourself as if we are blind...

So? As I said, doesnt matter "how much" someone/you did it by. You still did it.

"Oh officer, I only stabbed him once, not 2 times. I should be let off"

LOL, im not defending myself, im just saying your wrong
I have 2 wheels on the curb which is allowed?
S3 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :No, no you do not... You have 2 wheels over the bump, and the rest either on artificial or kerb. None on tarmac. Who are you trying to fool?

And lets not get all defensive shall we? As a matter of fact, you were the one who came crying on the forums that someone is cutting, yet you do the same. Doesnt matter "how much" he did it. You did it as well.

Ermm, the curb is part of the track, thanks
I was crying either ;P I just asked if it was allowed And i was talking about T1 of KY3, not KY3r
S3 licensed
Quote from Criminal-Team :I know there is worst cut than your, but you did cut tho. That was the thing i want to say. No offense.

You make out i do it so bad, show me your turn please, so me how much of these bumps you take. I no that i only just cut the track as my front right wheel just clips the artifical. If you want i will upload a lap to you liking?