Tough race :|
Qualy was never an issue, I didn't want pole even if I could get it or not :P p5 was good enough.
T1 was great, straight into 3rd as I took a gamble around the outside. Then came out the SC. I was trying to heat up my tyres and in truely retarded fashion I hit jarno, yes my team mate, and spin him. Sorry jarno
At the SC restart I knew Isaac would go early as he seems to do that in every restart he does :P into t1 I went for outside and there was some contact and it set me back to 5th or so, racing incident I guess
Then me and Mr.latermakaisbdia (CoRe guy who has stupidly hard name) have contact and it sets me into the wall with huge damage and forces me into a pit.
I then filled up the tank and knew I could go to the end. P10 was always the target as it would keep me safe from matti. I was miles back but it was a win - win situation for me. Either there would be a SC and it would bring me back into contention or there would be no SC and others would have to pit and I would gain some places.
As we got into the later laps I started to pick off places and found myself in p10, from then on any more places were just a bonus. I was catching kiste at quite a rate and had a good and somewhat conservative battle from my part as I knew a crash would see my saying bye bye to the championship. Sad to see him run out of fuel though. Brought the car home in p7, and took the title which I was happy about.
FOX, or any single seater isn't usually my strong point but this season seemed to work for me and it was great fun. Thanks to the admins and other drivers, was fun