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S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :I don't really want to do that, in case CCI bits are added to CompCar some time in the future.

But to understand why it is important, I'd like to know how someone would use clutch and handbrake information in a collision analysis.

I guess they could be put into one byte, if the lateral and longitudinal accelerations were also put into a single byte, though that would be a bit of a squeeze.

Or of course I could extend those structures by 4 bytes each, leaving a bit of space for the future. Maybe that is the best idea, just in case...

I think that one big point of recive packets with trottle, brake, clutch, handbrake, steerring,... is that a programmer can do easy a online telemetry program for monitorize a team partner with telemetry like in F1, GT,...
I'm trying to do one and i haven't a lot of info from the packets, maybe looking on the memory of my computer i can extract more data, but i don't know how to "memory hack" or use memory adresses in C# code
S2 licensed
Quote from skylinekid :Nice!


I'm thinking in doing another from Lucky Star like these -> ... a_3girls_-_Lucky_Star.jpg
But it looks so hard
S2 licensed
As Scawen says:
"Dear LFS Racers:"

I post my DJ MAX Skin (little itasha style -> ) with 2 previews.

I hope u like it.
S2 licensed
Quote from Xone :here my skins

+1 for that SAVE JAPAN logo on your skin
S2 licensed
Quote from Dalmako :I have a suggestion/fix for the next LFS version.
When you unlock a LFS License, the menu music turns off. I think that when you unlock a driver license, the music shouldn't turn off.

What do you think about this? Thanks and good work for the team.

yeah! why it turns off when i unlock LFS Demo, S1 or S2?
S2 licensed
I got one question... scawen says that the objects wich aren't in both tracks on a same circuit will automaticaly "erased" on open track mode.
My question is that in Blackwood, the pit exit and entry are diferent in GP or Rallycross mode.
This means that the pit exit and entry will have 2 exits (one at the middle of the straight (BL rallycross) and other at the harpin (BL GP) and 2 entry (one form BL GP and other from BL Rallycross)?

Thanks for the progress report , and thanks for the updates too!
S2 licensed
Quote from PilotF1 :BF1 Version over here

Sorry for waiting. Just got a lot to do in the last weeks...


Pilotf1 | Ben D.

S2 licensed
Quote from PilotF1 :For BF1 Im on it...

S2 licensed
I need it too for BF1
S2 licensed
I'm asking for it here: ... p?filenr=27289&page=2

I'ms still searching it on my computer... :doh:
S2 licensed
I have found some very similar to this but on rFactor, but i don't found it on my computer SHITTTTTTT :doh:

I'm trying to compile your source code, i have DirectX SDK library instaled but it still don't compile cause the header "atlstr.h" is missing

EDIT: I have run ur program with the "2" argument and it debug preproperly, the only thing that i have found wong is that it point to ID 0, and my g27 is on ID 1 (is the only logitech gamming device conected...)
EDIT: 2 juhmm my mouse and my keyboard is logitech too.. it dosn't make conflict when:

for(int wheelIdx = 0; wheelIdx< LG_MAX_CONTROLLERS; wheelIdx++)

starts scanning all Logitech controlers? I'm getting mad with this aplication lol
Last edited by KassadGLA, .
S2 licensed
I think that if manualy we change the ID from the *.cpp we should get it working

I have tried using a lot of ways. Using other source codes from other games like rFactor where the G27 leds work properly. Now i'm trying with your source (thanks for it) but for now it says me that i need some libraries wich i'm downloading now
S2 licensed
If the coords have changed since the lasts LFS patchs and the LFS layouts made with the LYT do strange things, it should be fixed in the LYT. I hope that the LYT programmer fix that for us

Thanks and good program
S2 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :I've just done a search posts made by Dalmako under LFS Programmer Forum and child forums.

2 threads, both with responses. Saying he got no reply isn't entirely valid. I won't dispute that it may not be the answer he was asking for though.You're right that not every request for help gets an answer, but don't forget that:
  1. The people who reply aren't being paid to help
  2. The people who reply are generally not LFS developers (you may occasionally get help from the devs, but it's relatively rare outside of PRISM and the the LFSWorld API)
My point is that the people who are answering are almost always doing it own time, for free. Many of which don't visit the forums every day. Some only visit every few days.

The other reason you may not have been given an answer is because you've only provided partial snippets of code. It's all well and good if your code is doing the right thing, provided your variables are all in the right scope, etc. which you can't tell from very small snippets without the surrounding code.

I'm not being nasty. All I'm trying to say is that the expectations of help are a bit unreasonable sometimes.

More to the point, if everyone posted their solution there would be a lot fewer of the same questions over and over and over and over and over and over..

My point is that a lot of more people desn't got answer, and the InSim programers gives answers who they whant to give answers.. no who need realy help because someone get stuck in a point of the InSim programing.

Unfourtonately, after this things I got respect to you, now I havn't nothing, I can see what kind of person are some InSim programers from here.
S2 licensed
Quote from fermevc :
I hate it when people ask for a solution, get some sort of guidance and ideas, solve their problem and walk away

And I hate when I ask a problem and nobody says useful things... and when another player ask a stupid (or not stupid) question, everybody answer whit useful comentaries.

I have helped via MSN to other insim programmers from this forum, and when I need help, I asked here and nobody helps me (my friend Dalmako have the same problem, he ask a simple question and nobody help).
S2 licensed
Quote from Silverracer :Do you get "Host did not receive UDP packet" everytime you try in the last 10 months? Or does it happen at random?

Everytime since 10 months ago.

I'm waiting for a friend come back from holidays, then i will try the conections with the X version of LFS.
S2 licensed
I have the same problem too since 10 months ago.. and I don't found the solution
S2 licensed
I like your suggestion and i understand what you want, but unfortunately I don't know if it exists or how can it be programed
S2 licensed
Hi, i got a suggestion for the Insim.

Can you add a info button that shows me the REAL position in the race?

Like.. If someone don't do a pitstop add "X" time to his race time and shows me the real position of that driver.

S2 licensed
Quote from KiRmelius :You've just asked a new tyre physics in improvement suggestions section. Now create two more threads and ask for VW Scirocco and Rockingham.

Quote from zeugnimod :Don't forget the updated GTR interiors.

Follow the tread please, no trolls allowed

I think that the compounds should be softer than the road normal tyres, but the hybrid tyres got more draw in the tyre contact surface so, it got less grip than the road normal that was specially designed for tarmac.

Also, LFS warns if you use wrong tyres. "Warning : Rallycross tyres on road track"

I hope that this will be solved in the next patch... in the real life, you can´t use hybrid tyres in a full tarmac circuit (like rallies).

I think the same as Dalmako.
S2 licensed
I alredy thinking that scawen should do a file asociation for MoTeC because MoTeC is very useful for see all the physics of the car.
S2 licensed
Quote from michele0676 :Delete this:
<!-- v6.0.0 -->

in your sql form.

Problem solved, thanks
S2 licensed
no, it says that all the code is 1 line and all the line have wrong syntaxis and doesn't work
S2 licensed
I've got a problem

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '<!-- v6.0.0 --> CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'airiotable' ( `username` varch' at line 1

Anyone got this error too?
S2 licensed
It crash for me too when i try to go into the track.. and i have changed the CFG file with the new options