I'm still trying to know how i can get propertythe MCI packets, because I set it,
I declare a variable :
String vel = "";
String nodo = "";
and I reqest it in "private void MCI_CarInformation" trying 2 diferent ways of convert it from 'ushort' to 'string'
vel = MCI.Info[1].Speed.ToString();
nodo = Convert.ToString(MCI.Info[1].Node);
catch (Exception EX)
MessageBox.Show("MCI - " + EX.Message);
Then I ask for it in "private void MSO_MessageOut"
case "vel":
InSim.Send_MTC_MessageToConnection(vel + " nodo " + nodo, MSO.UCID, 0);
And when i say "vel" in LFS, first the InSim says me "19 nodo 2".
When i say "vel" another time, the InSim says me "0 nodo 14457"
I have been looking in other codes like cruises (cause they use LFS External too) and i have tried to put it with the same structure and it doesn't work