Hello all LFS racers.
LFS movies are all over and in my opinion these movies are now important part of whole community.
I provide free hosting for ALL the LFS movies.
Before I write everything here I would like to know if there is any chance to make it sticky ( rules, upload account details, list of movies and instructions on where and how to download every movie ).
So, would there be any chance for that ?
OK, let's move on
Hello racers.
We ( ICEAWAY and KeMoT ) are creating something that we think will be very helpful for the whole LFS community.
If the link doesn't work - don't panic, wait a bit and it will work fine !
not even one movie will be omitted !
I made this thread to be JUST INFORMATIVE about this LFS MOVIES PIT.
I think people don't have to look for this information in other threads...
and remember, if you want me to host a new movie or anything else related to LFS - just contact me.
Now the details:
Full download list -
http://lfs-news.bluepixel.dk/moviespit/ ( at LFS-NEWS )
How to submit your movie:
Go to
http://lfs-news.bluepixel.dk/moviespit/ and look at the top of the page, you can find link to upload account, click it and simply upload your movie.
Please not - upload ONLY LFS MOVIES or LFS RELATED stuff ( other files will be deleted immediately ), try to pack your movies into zip or rar archives, you can also include some information in txt file if you want me to include it in download window of your movie.
After that, just wait some time and your movie will be moved to checked, moved to proper adress and added to the download list at LFS MOVIES PIT section of LFS-NEWS.
One more thing, don't use this upload account for downloading, just wait till your movies shows up in the right place, otherwise such links will not work as I move files from that account.
I think that's all