I am former leader of More Power Team [MPT], the team was founded somewhere about year 2003 by ACE PL and I was of of the members, shortly after that it ceased to exist.
About year 2004 I was allowed to use that name and reactivate the team.
Today there are ten members in [MPT] and I am no longer it's teamleader.
I had to quit due to lack of time :banghead:
I would like to show you some promotional materials we have.
www.mptracing.net --- [MPT] site.
You can choose language versions there ( English and Polish ) so I am sure you won't get lost.
[MPT] Story movie:
As promised, long awaited, next movie from http://www.movie-projects.com/ ( Pablo[GFX]@ & Greg-PL ).
Why in this thread ? because this movie tells the story about oldest LFS team in Poland - More Power Team.
Movie is called - [MPT] story ( man, that is a big bunch of time... )
Movie is 101 MB big and almost 8 minutes long.
It shows only S1 as the needed replays were recorded long time ago and production process were delayed many times. http://www.mptracing.net/download/[MPT]%20story.zip
Also, all this movies are available from LFS MOVIES PIT.