The online racing simulator
Fun and mayhem with a bouncy setup
(12 posts, started )
Fun and mayhem with a bouncy setup
I've been having loads and loads of fun with the AI doing 'bouncy racing' with XF GTR in 'South City Town Course' track

RapidShare - TV Cam | 2nd mirror: MegaUpload - TV Cam [XviD, 22.5MB]
RapidShare - In Car | 2nd mirror: MegaUpload - In Car [XviD, 23.5MB]

XviD codec:

Here's the replay file (968KB). Put that into "\data\spr\" folder to watch it.

The bouncy setup:

- Suspension: everything else to minimum except stiffness to maximum
- Tyre pressure: to minimum
- Remember to set AI use your setup (Misc > AI use player setup: [yes])
- For double extra challenge with mayonnese, put brake strength to full and balance to minimum

The car is of course very 'wobbly' and difficult to drive but it's still great fun. I've been playing LFS for years and it's amazing that I haven't discovered this before. Maximum fun and mayhem

EDIT: Attached the setup
Attached files
XF GTR_bouncy.set - 132 B - 612 views
lol thats funny. maybe i try that tomorrow too.

looks really nice.

PS:you can post the setup?
thx SlamDunk

#7 - -wes-
needs more jelly..
lol, really n1 work
#9 - KeMoT
Must have been cool ride
Can I put it onto LFS MOVIES PIT ?
Of course you can, KeMoT. It would be nice, thanks
Futuremark r0x0rs

(this post will have made sense to only a select few. Do not feel left out if you don't understand )
So it's a bit like what our friends across the pond would call an SUV :-)

Fun and mayhem with a bouncy setup
(12 posts, started )