you´re joking? I watched it in the viewer. There are more mistakes then i show you on your skin... Look at the back. one stripe is to long (right side of back between rearlights) on the right side is a white corner in the stripe and the curves are edged on the skin as on the 3d model of lfs. okay 2 are on edges of the car but the rest.... Your transitions are also not the best...Sometimes you have different colors between the transition(with the red) and they are cutted.
So yes i used the viewer
My post should only show you little mistakes wich you could make better within 10 minutes -.- For me my teamskins should be nearly perfect. Only my opinion and your mistakes are not big but they are there.
Sorry for offtopic but maybe you should rework your skin. your curves are edged and has different sizes sometimes? Maybe you like it but it looks a bit weired in my opinion....
You can post such skins for sure. Why not?
The most people here only think you have a cracked LFS... But since you can download skinfiles for all cars you could make skins for it.