Wollt jetzt nicht im thread schreiben, aber Hanfer hatte sich schon fürs nächste rennen abgemeldet, nicht das das untergeht und er bis dahin vergisst sich nochmal abzumelden.
I never looked at that but i know that even you will pushed off from your pitbox the stop will be held until the end. So even He pushed you the box will refuel fully.
The only thing wich can happen while pushing you is that you could get some damage wich won´t be reparied then but this is just ridicules
even you will push this thread every day there won´t be someone who will make it. Maybe some one but if no one answered yet no on will answer when you push that thread every time.
I really won´t talk abotu this administration anymore but you should really give your safetycar some instructions about how to drive as SC. Can´t understand why the SC is drifting around the track. Never seen this before.