Yes, this is a rather silly poll IMO but lets keep in mind that the people who play this game aren't all fully developed adults (including the 'adults'). Calmly demonstrating to the younger guys/gals that respect comes from the quality of your person and not how good or bad you are at a game would be the RESPECTABLE thing to do in this situation, not saying "This poll is useless".
However I think I get the general intention the poster was going for so in tune with what i just said: I give the most respect to people who do their best to enjoy the game while not ruining it for anyone else while being apologetic if they do make a mistake. The same goes for people who are able to be humble enough to forgive people who make mistakes which wreck them or something like that because they are either new or simply human.
What I stated was just something I had read from an old videogame mag a long time ago. I was obviously misinformed.
Heres another good, more concise article on the subject.
I can tell you definitively from first hand experience that you only need to have the slightest worry about your frame rate being a bit too low if your much below 30 fps. Much below that (20, 15) and in some situations you lose enough visual input to make quick reactions to cars approaching or braking suddenly.
What is "normal" simply depends on how much 'power' one thinks the average computer has. Its complex of course but anything below 30 fps is definetly something worth improving if you want to improve your reaction times within the game due to the increased visual output. Anything 60 or over and your not going to notice much if any significant difference in how it affects your play allthough you may be able to see that it 'looks' a little smoother. Thats it in a nutshell I think.
I agree with you Electrik Kar.
Allthough we really have no basis to criticize LFS yet because the developers are simply letting us play an unfinished version of the game... general ambience is definetly something that needs improving.
What is more fun to drive through, Nebraska or the Colorado Rockies? When driving through the very dramatic landscape of the Rocky's your adrenaline is literally pumping, the landscape is intense. Its that panoramic, ever changing scenery that is fascinating to the human eye. The things close by whirring by quickly, the far off mountain top or house on the hill seemingly standing perfectly still. These things simply add to the experience of racing. Even if its through your peripheral vision that you see the giant construction site zipping by to your left with the ever slow moving gargantuan crane towering over you, or the thousands of subtle marks of wear and imperfections on the track whizzing by beneath you, these things still add.. and some would say (rl racers likely) in essence ARE what the exhilaration of racing is. Some sections of the tracks in LFS resemble a slightly souped up Nebraska with some grandstands thrown in but again we cant logically criticize things till they are done.
Blackwood is a good example of interesting scenery which creates 'ambience' and track character. The long straight after the first turn simulates somewhat the feeling of approaching New York or some large downtown area with the roadside and overpass zooming by around you lightning fast while the buildings off in the distance are getting very steadily larger. This gives a much better sense of speed and is generally more STIMULATING, which is the definition of 'fun'. If interesting stimulus (which affects gameplay in no way) somehow detracts from a game for you then you are simply lying or are insane.
The main draw of this game is its physics however and we should be extremely grateful there is a developer brave enough to dedicate a games progress so largely on its physics as opposed to the more easy to sell graphical eye candy which we have been talking about here. These are just some ideas for improvement which im sure are blatantly obvious to the developers. However, it comes down to time and money. The developers are putting their heart and effort into nailing the 'feel' of real car racing. That is something that has never really been such a priority number one for any game I've ever known, and if it has been I dont think its been done this well.
Like a bunch of you have mentioned, I feel sound is the most engrossing thing for me in a racing game. I wont go into depth too much because all the better sounds they could include are rather obvious but for example when tearing down the Nurb' in GT4, my adrenaline gets going from the crescendoing intensity of all the various noises to the point where it seems everything is screaming and might explode. Then you get the same excitement from the hundreds of sounds intense braking induces on the car and road as you decrease speed rapidly for the corner ahead. It is like the harmony of many notes as opposed to the boring plucking of one or two strings.
Ambient crowd noises and other behavior could be cool but are for some reason very difficult for most developers to implement well. For instance it would be pretty cool if when you were cartwheeling down the front straight from a wreck you could hear a realistic roar suddenly coming from the crowd right next to you. However hearing the same damn continuously looped blow horn and crowd murmuring over and over every ten seconds really RUINS the sound experience and turns it into a major annoyance. Again, GT4 is a good example for this stupid mistake. The only time ive been really pumped up by a crowd done well in a game was on the Grand Canyon course hairpins in GT4 with the 3d crowd leaning over my hood practically, with them all shouting, jumping around and their heads realistically turning to follow me. I think to really make the crowd exciting it has to be believable that they are actually a crowd of people. In order to do that there needs to be a hell of a lot of polygons, animations and processing power and I really dont know if the LFS engine is up to that.
That would be awesome to take the physics of live for speed to a virtually modeled free roaming city with traffic or an entire landscape of roads, mountain passes, offroad trails etc. much like GTA. Of course allthough I have never even heard of the game, thats what motor city sounds like (well, without the lfs physics).
No offense but thats common sense.. If he had turned his wheels left it would have meant he didnt mean to load the front left on landing at all, which is laughable for a pro with such a long run in to the jump. He was committed to the turn, he just misjudged the strength of the suspension to be able to handle the load he threw onto it in my opinion. It was too soft so it sunk down, bottomed out, caught a bit of body, skipped, and then caught more of the body which rolled him.
Turning the wheels left to prevent the roll would've showed that he made an obvious driver error by taking the jump incorrectly. However he entered it correctly and was therefore committed. I think the suspension wasn't able to immediately bounce that massive load back to his right and so it bottomed out and dug in. Him misjudging his suspension's capabilities is obviously driver error as well but I dont think the way he entered the turn was an error in technique which is what I personally was really curious about.
The human eye cant detect the difference between 60fps and higher so your top goal should be 60 fps. I get an average of 30-45 fps id say and im on Radeon IGP 320M with (most) all settings at minimum and I definetly cant use the in car view which sucks. Especially in a racing game, anything below 15 is nearly unplayable which is what I was at for a long time before I learned some newbie tricks to increase the speed of the game.
Ya, I would agree it was driver error however it was not at all a huge(blatant) error IMO. Putting the car slightly sideways like that IS the proper technique to immediately load the front left in order to enter the immediately following hairpin. However, he just entered with a little too much speed for the angle he was trying to turn upon landing.
Look at the first time he hits that jump, it looks almost identical allthough with just a little less speed. You can see him enter it at about the 30 second mark of this vid.
I watched the vid from the x-games rally of McRae rolling his subaru and I can't stop wondering whether he took the turn incorrectly or whether it was some less driver related variable that caused him to roll. Like maybe the 'fake' rally track dirt was too soft (compared to a standard rally course) and the tire dug in too much and caught the body and flipped it. Or maybe the suspension was too soft or something. Was that a proper technique to enter the corner after a jump, or did he just nose the car over way too much on his front left tire and it was purely his fault he rolled? What do you all think?
Your 100% sure Gee? The laptop is like a 2001 model and the desktop I thought was like a 2000 or 1999, but what a bunch of people in-game in lfs told me is that desktops are almost always much faster than laptops even if they are a couple years older. I wasnt sure though so I was just asking on here to make sure.
Thanks for your help.
Like I said, im computer illiterate so I dont know where the specs are to give to you. I gave as much info as I could that seemed to possibly be usefull. If you let me know where and how to find them I can let you know. I cant look on the desktop at all however as its at my sis's. She gave me a few numbers off of it including the one I listed above. Isn't it possible to do a quick search and see the specs of the system based on that model number?
Excuse my general lack of computer knowledge.
I have the option of trading this computer im on (a presario 2100 laptop- Radeon IGP 320m-448mb of ram) to my sis for a HP 8760C desktop. Will the HP run things more smoothly or should I stick with what ive got now? LFS is just barely playable at all the minimum settings I have to have things set to for this computer. I've never taken my laptop out of the house once so I really could care less about the 'portability' factor.
Like I said I'm basically wondering if games will run smoother in general and also if there are any other issues I should be aware of that might make it a better idea not to trade computers with her. Thanks.
Sorry if this is a stupid post but i've never used analyzers before so I have the simple question: Is this program better for comparing your driving inputs (from your replays) to the driver inputs from WR replays than Analyze for Speed? Will it give me more usefull and easier to observe information on why im slow? Or is this program more geared to making good setups rather than recognizing driving errors/areas for improvement? Thanks.
Ive read reviews of this game saying its got super realistic physics. Have any of you played it and are the physics anywhere near LFS quality? I know reviewers say games like toca or something have 'super realistic' physics which aren't anywhere near the quality of LFS. I was wondering if this game measures up better. Feel free to include whatever else you like/dislike about the game if you've played it. Thanks.
To above poster^^^
I anticipated people wanting to make non topic related replys in this thread about the bumper sticker thing so I opened up a new topic on it. He just happened to add his idea before I could get the new topic up.
Ive followed the link to the AFS download on the LFS main site as well as in some other threads but it gives me the 'page unreachable' error or whatever. I downloaded the version from this site but it doesnt appear to be the correct one as ive read a post that told someone to go to view>preferences> etc. and there is no preferences tab under the view tab in the version from that site. Is the AFS site just down temporarily or what?
I think it would definitely be important if this were real, which I know its not, to have 'online racing simulator' or something similiar on it very visibly. Otherwise you'd just assume its some saying on the back of some guy's truck who likes to drive fast, or is advertising his enjoyment of the use of an illegal substance.
If you were tasked with designing the LFS bumper sticker which would pimp the ass end of your hoopty and all other Live for Speeders', what would it need to say to enrapture the eyes of all bystanders within view and ignite their interest? It would likely include some kind of 'hook phrase' like most bumper stickers do ("hey whats that bumper sticker say?"). I would suggest we'd want it to be eye catching, short (so that its readable) and memorable in likely any way possible.
It would be smart to target the main demographic of LFS which im guessing is aged 20-45. Of course, something that grabs the attention of all ages is best. For example, "PWN n00bs 24/7- LFS", would probably only appeal to 7th graders, and 7th graders cant see out the car's windows anyway without their booster seat (joke). Maybe describe the look of it as well, or create it graphically if you are so creatively inclined. Peace.
The more the merrier. The Devs obviously have their heart in it so theres no need to worry about 'selling out', even though I dont even know how the hell you could 'sell out' live for speed other than selling the ownership of the game entirely. They've gotten a few licensed cars in the game now and advertisements everywhere for them, does that mean they've sold out? Its not a punk rock band.
This game is not appealing to the vast majority of puberty stricken young men which are gasoline to online flame wars, so it will never be that hard to keep a generally respectfull attitude in the servers. The very nature of the game itself demands you show perfect respect to other racers or else you get kicked immediately. Its not an option to be an ass in LFS if you want to continue playing LFS. This is the perfect deterrent in itself. More players to fill up the servers means more racers who will be at your skill level which is the prime equation for fun in a racing game. You also will have more options for where to race besides your standard choice of two or 3 if your lucky nowadays.
I've also discussed how I wish theyd do some more marketing, but I guess thats not really appropriate until they have a finished product to market.
I do want a (non corny) live for speed t shirt and bumper sticker with on it as soon as possible though! Imagine how many people would be exposed to the live for speed image and website everyday if half the live for speed players had bumper stickers on their cars... or foreheads? I think ive seen like two 'advertisements' for games on peoples bumpers and both times when I got home I went to their website. You know if someone has a game logo displayed on their bumper, it must be a badass game. Its even more eye catching because its car related in the first place. The bumper sticker could say: "Wanna see what that baby can really do?" -LiveforSpeed- online racing simulator. Or something to that affect.
I know I allways WANTED to learn the (more realistic than most console racing games) physics of gran turismo through gran turismo 1, 2 and 3 but because there was no instruction anywhere on techniques like how to determine the proper racing line (well, actually they had that but it was merely a tease and made things even more frustrating when you didnt understand the techniques to stay on the line), and all the other techniques I mentioned, I wound up hating gran turismo 1 and 2. It was just pure frustration cause I didnt know what i was doing wrong. I forced myself through an insane amount of frustrating trial and error to finally understand how to drive the cars fairly fast in gt3. That took me like 4 months of trial and error and it was by absolutely no means enjoyable in the least (except for when I finally started succeding however). After a ton of frustration at not being able to improve my speed once I reached a certain point, when I was doing everything they told me to do 100% perfectly, I went online and searched forever (like I said, insanely inaccessible, confusing, and often contradictory info on driving techs) and finally found the reason I was screwing up a corner. It was due to the fact I wasnt trail braking, or balancing the car on 4 wheels through the corner or something like that which gran turismo, nor any other racing sim I have ever played adequetly explains the importance of or even how to do it.
So anyway, what im saying is a hell of alot more people would play sim games like LFS if there were adequate tutorials of some kind to help new people along. Im not denying that plenty of people are just completely uninterested in sim physics though regardless of how much help you give them with learning proper racing techniques.
Also im not bashing LFS on this for not being newb friendly or something at all. Im just saying its amazing the lack of available info newbs are faced with. There should be thousands of newb friendly guides on racing techniques it seems, but there are practically none!
That site was actually one of the most helpfull and easy to understand sources of info I remember finding. Thanks for posting that undertech. Someone should sticky that site, or a better one if there is one, to the top of the newb forum! For the love of god!