Sup sup...
id like to see the auto gear box have like 1st 2nd D OD N R....u know like a real car would have...instead of 1 2 3 4 5 like a manual has...i think that would be pretty neat to would be more realistic...but its currently fine like it is...just a
yes i joined of july just another game i downloaded for past time....i will eventually buy it.....but saving money right now for a car not a plenty of those to play online......and no im not 1 of those IWANT people...i dont suggest anything....w/e the devs do let em do it....
If im not mistaken there already like 5 different car classes? Road Race TBO LRF GTR? why would u want just stock and would u classify world records...? u no0bs who suggest this stuff think about yourself not the whole game in perspective....its a C-O-M-M-U-N-I-T-Y game not a I-W-A-N-T people that play the game probably dont know much about tuning engines....and yes u may say practice offline..but why would u want to waste time tuning your engine offline when all u have to do now is go and get a setup from a simple website..?....My point being if u want tuning play NFS...If u want realism play done here...sorry if this is
thanks lot sure this will really help me lol...and no the only racing game i got my pc is live for speed....soon to buy a new pc...only for lfs lol....but thanks again for the help well appreciated
Well this evening i was experincing some problems...while trying to figure out the problem at the same time lol.......anyways to the problem now ......While i was running hotlaps on blgp with the Gti i had noticed that the car was pushing forwards while i was going around corners and yes i know its FWD....but....i also was racing the Xrt tonite and had noticed the same problem...and even letting off the throttle had no help at all....and my wheel settings in the game...well i dont know about really how to set those lol... But i was wondering if some1 could possibly help me on this problem....Wheel is Logitech Wingman Formula Force GP....and i have the latest downloads for it....any help would greatly be appreciated thanks....
Rusty (Driv£by) :lfs:
lol dude your wasting your time makin a demo upgrade post...besides like the others said if u want more content buy the full version...and for those of u who are complaining about demo racers lol....i believe we were all demo racers at one time or another....illepall .....yes i know im a demo racer but only for another 2 more weeks than its bye bye social life..:headbang:
you know this would be a good idea for the rally-x racers...have the canyon roads with a few jumps here and there and some really tight turns u know like watching the rally races in real life...i do think this would be a good idea...
Hello all...=]
Just finished this one..didnt take too long just a quicky but im starting up a road race collection based on some real cars i figured i would post this one too see what u guys think of it...=]...couldnt find but one picture of the car i replicated but im gonna search some more to see if i can find some more pictures ..but heres this for now enjoy.. new to this movie making stuff but i know how to do it but when im using LFS movie maker...i get all of my stuff set like i want it...replays music...etc....and then when i go to record....i make it full screen...but everything starts flashing....and it messes up my recording and i have to start all over if some1 could help me...or if theirs any "hotkeys" that i should know about id really appreciate the help.........and ive done searching for this but couldnt really find a solution.....