I'm totally shocked and can't belive that happened. A few weeks ago we just talked about, he is coming to Hungary to watch Formula 1 this summer... R.I.P. Mr. Nogiec.
Pointer4 was one of my friend's account, but i used it. I mean i did like the 99% of the laps with that account. But he told me in this summer, his nephew needs the account so i bought one for myself. Lacko86 is mine.
What kind of team are you looking for? Race
Age: 27
Country: Hungary
Preferred Car/Track: every rwd cars, especially LX's, GTR's, FOX Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track: old account: pointer4 , new account: Lacko86
How Active Are You? sometimes i'm kind of inactive, but mostly every day
What Kind of Control do you use? G27
Time Zone: GMT +1 / 2
I really enjoy to drive with you guys together on some FM events or on the FZ5/RAC cup. It's nice to see, that such a good and sportmanlike team like Corse Motorsports started to drive on league events. I wish all the best to the team in the future.
C'mon guys, please fill up the race calender with the tracks. It makes really easier to choose a car for the league Or is it possible to change cars between the races as much as i want to?
Btw, i think it is a good idea to organise such a cup like that!