LX Challenge 2013: Signups

2013 LX Challenge - Signups

To enter the 2013 LX Challenge, make a post here giving your requested car number, LFS licence name, real name, nationality, and team name (if representing a team). Separate each field with a /, no space between the text of the field and the /. Example:

1/dekojester/Jonathan Palmer/USA/New Dimension Racing

Any number 0-99, excepting number 1 is free for selection.

This thread will be closed to new posts between the time three hours prior to qualification start and the time three hours after the conclusion of the round.

Notations Legend: NC:Rx - Not confirmed Round x where x = round number | NS:Rx - No-show @ Round

Entry List (30 entrants/9 auto-dropped):
2/MousemanLV/Elvis Lībietis/Latvia/Dynamix Racing
6/Bean0/Stuart Baker/UK/Concept Racing
7/MVelikov/Mihail Velikov/Bulgaria/FNC/ Simsports
8/matias-/Matias Pikkarainen/Finland/Team Vires NC:R2,R3 - DROPPED
9/AsnL/Miłosz Garbolewski/Poland/Conquest Racing NC: R4
11/FL4SH-/Toni Lähteenmäki/Finland/CoRe Racing NC: R5
12/sMasHMoLTH/Arttu Ylöstalo/Finland/My3id Gaming NC: R3,R4 - DROPPED
13/K0Z3_43V3R/Jan Kaplavka/Slovakia/ NC: R4,R5 - DROPPED
14/CodeLyoko1/Remco Majoor/The Netherlands/Last Lap Motorsports
17/nathan246/Nathan Lamothe/Canada/Last Lap Motorsports NC: R5
18/shaggymark/Mark Berends/Netherlands/Scuderia Grand Prix NS: R4,R5 - DROPPED
19/przemek21061995/Przemek Wdowiarz/Poland/Conquest Racing
21/Mustangman759/Matt Kingsbury/USA/Last Lap Motorsports NC: R4
23/troy/Kevin Leu/Switzerland/
24/Senninha25/Rui Pinto/Portugal/Last Lap Motorsports
25/Bmxtwins/Ray Kingsbury/USA/Last Lap Motorsports
27/Mindaugas S./Mindaugas Stankus/Lithuania/Last Lap Motorsports NC: R4,R5 - DROPPED,RE-ENTERED
30/Yuusei/Joe Letteriello/USA/CoRe Racing
31/Iginla/Jesse Telkkälä/Finland/Dynamix Racing
37/carllefrancois/Carl Lefrancois/Canada/ NC: R4, R5 - DROPPED
39/N I K I/Nikifor Đaković/Bosnia/Team Vires
41/franky.s/Frank Sinchety/Italy/Sonicrealms Racing NC: R4,R5 NS:R2 - DROPPED
42/marakattimax/Teemu Suninen/Finland/CoRe Racing NC: R5
43/ilbens/Ilari Juusela/Finland/CoRe Racing NC: R5
52/Denny12/Tomáš Korený/Czech Republic/rForce™ NC: R4,R5 - DROPPED
53/kochomoch/Zlati Zlatev/Bulgaria/FNC/ Simsports NC: R4 NS:R2
55/fre2/Deins Jaunpujens/Latvia
64/Flame CZE/Martin Kapal/Czech Republic/SAVAGE SimSports
66/greybull [cha]/Yann Laprevotte/France/Tiger Express Motorsports
69/dawesdust_12/Dustin Dawes/Canada/UKCT NC: R4,R5 NS: R3 - DROPPED
71/jonathon.provost/Jonathon Provost/UK/Advantage Motorsport
72/ImudilaSkyline/Jordan Lavrikov/Estonia/Last Lap Motorsport
75/HonzaNB/Jan Pičkar/Czech Republic/
77/ramla/Visa Lehtimäki/Finland/Dynamix Racing NC: R4,R5 - DROPPED
79/zvone798/Mario Bubas/Croatia/
86/Lacko86/László Kovács/Hungary/nFinity eSports NC: R4
87/nikopdr/Niko Puntola/Finland/Genuine Racing NS: R4
88/OTone/Ricardo Costa/Portugal/SonicRealms Racing NC: R4,R5 - DROPPED
96/Eclipsed/Rony Kronpušs/Latvia/Race Green Autosports
98/jmeade/Jared Meade/Canada/SAVAGE SimSports

86/Lacko86/László Kovács/Hungary/nFinity eSports
69/dawesdust_12/Dustin Dawes/Canada/UKCT
41/franky.s/Frank Sinchety/Italy/Sonicrealms Racing
25/Bmxtwins/Ray Kingsbury/USA/Last Lap Motorsports
In rule book it says entry requires nationality?
We're all German.

Make it easy for Deko.
75/HonzaNB/Jan Pičkar/Czech Republic/-
64/Flame CZE/Martin Kapal/Czech Republic/SAVAGE SimSports
19/przemek21061995/Przemek Wdowiarz/Poland/Conquest Racing
52/Denny12/Tomáš Korený/Czech Republic/rForce™
Quote from Bmxtwins :In rule book it says entry requires nationality?

knew I forgot something. I've added it to the OP, and those who entered before I had it in the format, I've put it in for them.
14/CodeLyoko1/Remco Majoor/The Netherlands/Last Lap Motorsports
#14 - AsnL
09/AsnL/Miłosz Garbolewski/Poland/Conquest Racing
96/Eclipsed/Rony Kronpušs/Latvia/Race Green Autosports
39/N I K I/Nikifor Đaković/Bosnia/Team Vires
7/MVelikov/Mihail Velikov/Bulgaria/FNC/ Simsports
#18 - troy
23/troy/Kevin Leu/Switzerland/
16/CardsetCrazy/Joona Rantala/Finland/Sonicrealms Racing
corrected spelling mistake in sonicrealms
(RandomnessInside) DELETED by RandomnessInside : withdrawing
98/jmeade/Jared Meade/Canada/SAVAGE SimSports
44/RoamerF1/Kasper Kontio/Finland/Sonicrealms Racing
6/Bean0/Stuart Baker/UK/Concept Racing
17/nathan246/Nathan Lamothe/Canada/Last Lap Motorsports
(Smashmolth) DELETED by Smashmolth
77/ramla/Visa Lehtimäki/Finland/Dynamix Racing
This thread is closed