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S2 licensed
Quote from niels1 :You still have the most track records. You will have until X1.5 is released I guess. Bcus I think stats of lape records will be reset due to clutch in new patch.

yeah, sam told that if the official hl´s will be deleted, the ctra-records
will follow .... fair enough

Quote from niels1 :Anyway still think your the best team out there. . xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx )

so true
S2 licensed
Quote from Toddshooter :It was probably FPR trying to retake position #1 by any underhanded means at their disposal. They didn't get drivers they got hackers!!

no, not this time

we already had the most records, since the stat got alive and
it really doesn´t matter, if the records were doubled or not,
we would´ve been in 1st place anyway (as far as my mathematic
skills can carry me)

anyway the gab between us and HR in points is getting bigger and bigger...
seems we do not drive enough ctra atm and we don´t have
enough drivers....

but someday.... maybe..... not
S2 licensed
you are the best aldi

i hope i can read all of this on our website, soon?

and yeah, it was a great year for us! when i joined fpr about
1,5 years ago, as the 5th member, i never ever thought we
would get that big and successful

cheers to all my team-mates, i love you
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :DAMN!!!!.

I was hoping we might get a sniff at some ZWR drivers

excactly my thoughts

nah, to be honest, i wish you all the best for the future
S2 licensed
Quote from Nobo :Our new dress...thx to our skinner Smokey (BURN)

yeah its sooo cool
S2 licensed
Quote from Zachary Zoomy :so this means that if I spin out and do donuts by myself on the server then my stats won't get tracked?

thats right, until there are less then 4 drivers on the server
S2 licensed
Quote from JohnnyFX :Just lost connection to CTRA1 and can't rejoin because Host is not found. Same for CTRA SS1 and won't load either.

thats why we have some sticky posts in here:
S2 licensed
Quote from niels1 :
Did Lordblaster pay you enough Sam ????

seems HR paid more, as i was racing lately with a buch of you guys
S2 licensed
all back up again, thx a lot your are soooo fast
S2 licensed
no, its just part of our in-4-steps-back-to-the-top plan:

1. corrupt the ctra-staff (done)
2. break their will (done)
3. ???
4. ???

more news will follow soon
S2 licensed
all ctra-servers went away... even the website is offline...
S2 licensed
Quote from nelson_trujillo :Hi, I was racing on B&J and at the end, the results window, shows 2 points removed; even though, I had fastest lap, and AFAIK there's no Yellow flags there. What could be wrong?

this is, because i gave sam a few bucks that we can reenter the
first place in the team-stats and all HR drivers will lose points,
irrespective of the results

great feature sam, thx a lot
S2 licensed
it takes what it takes!

i would never ever do this job!!!! 10h a week, watching replays
of noobs wrecking each other??? NO WAY!!!

its so great you do this job (FOR US)
S2 licensed
the more important point (in my eyes), is to count the fastest laps
per class, not overall.

but i already told this a few times and i hope this issue will make
its way up to the to-do-list
S2 licensed
Quote from AlienT. :Lord Blaster I hope you'll still send me your sets mate?

S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :...For as long as FPR will let you, you should enjoy that top spot

well said

recently we got two new drivers in our team, but both are
not very enthused about ctra, but are very very good and fast
open-wheel-league drivers. maybe some of the fastest open-wheel
drivers from germany. i´m proud they joined us

and maybe, we can improve their interest in ctra? i think so

í´m sure we will strike back soon
S2 licensed
Quote from The Moose :
I hope to be back racing on your servers in the new year...can't wait!

i can´t wait to see you back on track mate
S2 licensed
through a very good staffing policy HR has beaten us in points

gratz to HR and i hope it does not take too long to get back the first place
S2 licensed
Quote from psychometalist :just checked it out, looks like they did

1.Halfords Racing Team 13,507 : 16 216,118
2.Factory Phantom Racing 19,219 : 11 211,406

yeah, true, but this is not for long, for sure

anyway, gratz guys
S2 licensed
Quote from joaopaulopt :fixe maix um PT aki xD

he´s already become a member of FPR and we don´t give our
drivers away you know. its all about family and stuff
S2 licensed
best wishes to both of you
S2 licensed
you can´t beat us with quality, so you try to beat us with quantity?

just a joke... best wishes to the 2nd best team in ctra (from the best team in ctra)
*How To* Dealing with bans
S2 licensed
first of all: THIS (the official lfs-forum) is not the right place to complain about ctra-x bans of any kind!

any topics of this kind will suddenly be closed by a ctra-moderator!

but because it seems some people don´t know how to deal with a ban, just follow this easy rule:

PM do0f !!!

its needless to pm any other ctra-staff-member, as SamH or Becky.
and its even more needless to pm persons like me, who are not even a member of the official ctra-staff.
Last edited by LordBlaster, .
S2 licensed
i haven´t tried the patch yet, but my favorites are so far:

Quote :
Damage repair is now a selectable option

Pit stop damage repair takes twice as long

Engines are no longer repaired in pit stops

S2 licensed
yeah happy birthday

too bad i first heard of it somewhere in february i think ....