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S2 licensed
Quote from SparkyDave :
Unobtainum is a good name for the next licence

yeah, i know what you mean. but after i lost all interest on points
and began to drive around just for records, i decided to start my single-seater career

and now i´m back into business
S2 licensed
hmm i could change myself from beeing part of FPR to UKCT...

i put myself back, but i think this shouldn´t be possible, shouldn´t it?
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :...
Both winers had platinum lisence, so it`s not that.

there more points you got, the less you earn. and platinum
is from 15k up to 50k. so there could be a " natural" difference

anyway, 70 points for a single race is more i ever got since
the x-system launch. as a titanium driver i get less then 10
for a win with a new track-record and about 7 for a simple win.

on single-seater licence its about 20 points for a win with full
grid and 10 with less drivers around.

70 points is uhhhh much
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :
I'll post a link to the stream in this post on the day so that you can all listen too.

maybe you can give us some more information about her?
(to decide if its worth watching or not)
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :But isn`t it strange that the points wasn`t reseted when the launch of the x-system?

don´t tell me you got your 20k while the x-system is running....

the number of races, wins, podiums etc. are just counted since
the x-system was launched, not from the start of the whole
system, formerly known as stcc.

there are some of the top10 racers, who haven´t raced much
since x-system. what you need will follow soon (said sam):

a monthly driver-top10
S2 licensed
amazing sam

but i have another request:

how about counting the lap-records in the top-drivers and
top-teams ladder???
S2 licensed
if you haven´t saved the replay yourself, there´s no possibility to get the replay from ctra.

the replays are saved for a few days (because of the immense space they use... 401 races a day). after that, they will be
deleted from the ctra-server.
S2 licensed
i´d like to thank all of you for your sympathies.

if we get some new informations, i´ll post it in here. so far all
S2 licensed
sorry... she did not tell me this....

forget this thread then and thx for the link...
FPR|keithano#9 had heavy real-life karting crash!
S2 licensed
i know this is not the right place, but i found no better one to
drop these sad news we got a few weeks ago:

As we heard one of our member FPR|Keithano#9 had a heavy real-life karting crash in Macao. We all hope that he will recover soon and his wounds will heal quickly. We hope we will be able to share our hobby with you again in a few month! We already miss you. We all won't forget you while your abscence. In the name of the whole team "get well soon".

Everyone who wants to help him during his recovery with some nice words, feel free to do it here.
S2 licensed
if its a wr, there´s always a replay. watch it and learn

thats what i do sometimes and it helps a lot

but never forget, wr´s are just one lap, they are not driven
while a race and the person who did it, maybe needed a few
hundred tries and got a lucky lap. ah yes and hotlappers have
never ever seen wind before
S2 licensed
the GT2-FZR is one of my favorite cars right now. its much faster
then the GT2-FXR (on most tracks) and easy to handle.

another favorite i found is the FJR, i love it

its a bit harder then the FOX, but much easier then the FO8...
so i´m able to drive it

too bad, there aren´t that much FJR drivers around. the maximum
race i had so far, had 5 drivers....
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :I also struggle with TBO, as anyone who's ever sat down to an STCC broadcast will surely attest..

Quote from SamH :
I'm bloody fast in a GTR (I licenced in ConeDodgers without actually putting in a fast lap, for me..)...

ehhh isn´t it still 1.44 for national? this is not fast at all
this is just to keep the total noobs away from CD2

sorry for beeing this OT, but i HAD to quote this...

anyway, i think aldi is very able to learn to drive these cars fast.
its just he´s not motivated enough, because he don´t like to
drive them
S2 licensed
maybe i can make it tonight, but not 100% sure...

i´m still at work, hungry and tired
S2 licensed
these are my corrections
note: these are just the parts with changes and not the complete text!
everything what is not below is just ok without any changes (in my eyes).

Quote from $help :
...Wenn man nur ein Kommando per Tastenkombination oder Lenkrad-Button-Belegung verknüpfen will, dann sollte es dieses sein.

Quote from $rules :
Ein Klick auf RULES bringt einen zu den speziellen Regeln für den Server, auf dem man sich gerade befindet. Man kann auch über die Webseite auf die Regeln per Menüoption zugreifen. Es ist nicht möglich auf den CTRA Servern zu fahren ohne eine Bestätigung, dass man die Serverregeln gelesen, verstanden _ und deren Einhaltung zustimmt hat.

Quote from $track :
Bietet in-game Informationen über die aktuelle Strecke an. Dies umfasst den Streckennamen und -kürzel, sowie verwendete Strecken-Layouts.

Man kann die Benzinverbrauchsstatistik sehen, die per Dateneingabe durch andere Fahrer entsteht (angezeigt wird der Verbrauch pro Runde, als auch für das gesamte Rennen) und auch eigene Verbrauchsinformationen übermitteln.

Quote from $result :
Zeigt die Ergbnisse des letzten Rennens an. Dieser Bildschirm wird automatisch angezeigt, wenn man am Ende eines Rennens die Ziellinie überquert. Die Ergebnisse sind nach Wagenklassen gruppiert.

Quote from $grid :
Der enstscheidende Punkt bei der Qualifizierung für die Startaufstellung auf den CTRA Servern ist, dass diese nicht auf dem letzten Rennen basiert, sondern auf der schnellsten Runde, die man nach dem Betreten des Servers mit dem ausgewähltem Wagen gefahren ist. Alle „schnellsten Runden“ der Fahrer werden vom CTRA-X System gehalten. Die Position in der Startaufstellung wird primär von der Wagenklasse bestimmt (GTR, GTR2, TBO usw.) und zum zweiten von der eigenen schnellsten Runde. ...

Quote from $servers :
the german text (from the text-file) is ok, but it´s not on the site, yet

Quote from $ctra :
Wenn man eine Nachricht von einem CTRA Administrator bekommen hat, kann man diese hier lesen und zustimmen.

Persönliche Details
Hier kann man seine persönlichen Informationen speichern. Dies beinhaltet den Vor- und Nachnamen (ist notwendig für die Anzeige in der „top racers“-Liste), das Land in dem man beheimatet ist oder für welches man fahren will (du entscheidest) und die Email-Adresse. Die Email-Adresse ist wichtig, wenn man Ratschläge zu den Reports erhalten möchte.


ah its 95% very good

i´m done for now.. the right side will follow later on ....
S2 licensed
viper, i´d 100% agree with you, if the person you are talking
about wouldn´t be my team-mate aldi (nobo).

he´s able to drive a FOX or FO8 super mega fast. mostly faster
then i´d ever be able to and i´m really not the slowest around.

and i know driver who are able to drive a GTR car very fast
and secure around a track, but who are not very fast in the slower cars.

anyway, even if aldi is one of the faster ones in common, i think
there´s no way to help him outta this. thats simple the way it is atm.
S2 licensed
well thats a great idea and i´m willing to help to make the german-translation complete.

but, as the ctra-x started, i had the same problems with my
team-mates and thats why i made a news on our website for it.

it explains all the new features and stuff. everyone is free
to link the articel, i´d be not that happy if someone would just
copy it.

here it is: ... ;Itemid=1&lang=german
Last edited by LordBlaster, .
S2 licensed
nice gimmick
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :If you link from your stats page to the teams page, it should look like this. To the countries page, it should look like this, and to your International Rank page, it should look like this.

my fault, did not read what you wrote ("when clicking from the licence stats lookup page")
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :
...I created a downloads page on the website, with some higher quality graphics for skins, websites etc

this is where i found the one i was using for the news

Quote from SamH :
I've also added highlighting from the stats page, so specific countries and teams are highlighted when clicking from the licence stats lookup page.. should make it a little easier to find your team/country in the lists

this is not working for me... i use opera 9.24.

how SHOULD it look like?

this is the way it looks for me... nothing special to see
S2 licensed
Quote from Swiss_Tony :Hey LB, Moose is just taking a break for a little while. He's fine but I think he just needs to recharge those antlers for a bit

ah yeah, i know what you mean. i did this a few weeks ago,
but i could not stay away from lfs for more then 4 weeks

if you see/hear/read him, please tell him i already started my
ss-career and i wait for him to kick his ass
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :Sorry, I didn't realise you were still waiting for an answer.
Sorry, no can do!

he did not believe me
S2 licensed
every time i want to join, there´s tbo´s time

what i do then: join one of the ss-servers and raise your ss-licence

(because i don´t like the tbo´s anymore)
S2 licensed
hey col, mate!

great to hear from you again

i hope to race you soon again

but this brings me to another question: WHERE IS MOOSE???
S2 licensed
hey sam, i made a little news on our website about the team-standings using the ctrax-logo (from the website). i hope
this is ok.

btw: it was a bit hard to translate my news (our site is multilingual)
to english. the first sentence is a tongue twister and i just can´t demerge it

maybe a native-speaker can help?