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S3 licensed
Is Drive_LFSS avaiable for download?
S3 licensed
I cannot make it work. Where do you extract the Mpr bin directory? Other details? O.S.?
S3 licensed
Also if You get it it will not work
S3 licensed

S3 licensed
Hi all. I'm using Airio on a 500 server: [url="lfs://|[ITA]|0|S2|/"][ITA][/url] and i use Lapperskript to show statistics recorded by Airio and exported to PB.txt lapper file: Personal best

But.. Airio more stats data, and I ignore php. Could anybody post a simple Airio stats viewer that includes also series ranks?
S3 licensed
Hi, any progress?
S3 licensed
Quote from EQ Worry :Airio 2.1.3 moves to the FREE version the option to partially reverse start grid based on last race results/session best lap times and also allows to define how many places are to be reversed.

There are other things like displaying current points for playing (!ptp) together with position in !pb list or check for automatic race restart, which could have been spoiled by lags.

For more info and appropriate config items see the changelog file.

Why don't You publish the changelog file in the first post? It is a consolidate way to make our lives easier.
The shark
S3 licensed
My MRT skins

The shark

The RACE4FUN team skin
S3 licensed
Quote from Yisc[NL] :Time is checked in the PB.txt file.

Thanks for the answer, do You think is possible (in a not too difficult way) to define another file or source for the pb check?
S3 licensed
Hi all, I got a doubt. The "MinimumTime" value in the function "AuthAllowPlayer" will check the driver pb on LFSWorld or only in the pb.txt file?

S3 licensed
Quote from HorsePower :So I really need to write something about the supported features.

The basic idea still is:
  • One super user can exclusively set up styles and configurations and maintain the user database.
  • Administrators can maintain groups and racers and events.
  • Event Managers can maintain events.
  • User can maintain their own ingame namem their own personal information and password.
  • Everyone is allowed to use the tracker features, i.e. everyone can inlcude the scripts generating the output (online mates, server status, tracker list).

Sounds good!

I can't wait...
S3 licensed
thanks, I'll try it.
S3 licensed
Quote from haelje :did you know that?

Yes but it's not good for LFS, GTR is well supported.

SLS could not be used in combination with Lapper or Airo server tools.
S3 licensed
Quote from Silox :It's not a stupid idea, but I think you should hire (Read: pay) someone. Not just a regular programmer but someone who's used to work with all those InSim applications.

Ready to do it. But I cannot find anybody. Are You avaiable?
League manager
S3 licensed
(preface: please don't care about my ridiculous english)

Hi all, my request is similar to others from year 2006. Long time ago. But still dissatisfied.

I need a League management system that could use great existing tools as LFSLapper (by Gai Luron), LFSPoints ( by DarkTimes).

My needs are simple and, I think, useful for many other LFS maniacs, but the difficult for me is my absolute ignorance of php language.

The system would have these features:

- registration page (with realtime check of existing LFS World nickname) to the league
- signup to championship
- signup to single race
- qualifications managed by LFSLapper and results inserted to MySQL db (with declared max number of partecipants and division in pools)
- auto reminder by mail to racers with server password and event details
- extract results from (autosaved) mpr and store them into db, publishing of results and assign racesr/teams points (like LFSPoint does)

Additional features
- retrieve statistics and data of racers from LFSWorld (like HotTracker does)
- create charts of racers who partecipates to league events

Thats all.

- LFSLapper does not manage racing points
- LFSPoints is a stand-alone application and it does not manage different points systems based on pools

Weakness of project
- lot of leagues = lot of data/charts/statistics without sense

- I think that the manager must be build thinking about an international shared league system. Teams or leagues that want to join this system will share their data each other. The championships, cups or single events are managed individually by project members; the global charts are shared.

The stenght of this system is the "Quality Certificate"... this Championship is proud member of ... (name must be invented).

Teams or leagues that want to join must give a contribute to the creation of the system and there will be only 1 team/league for nation (maybe countries with lot of racers, I'm thinking about Germany and UK, also 2).

My last perplexity was about sharing this idea: if it is good somebody could realize it very quickly and I will have not obtained what I need, I will be looking again for a php solution (or programmer)...

If it is stupid... Ok, I look like (or I am) a stupid

This message will destroy itself within 3 days
Last edited by lysergic, . Reason : language mistakes ;)
S3 licensed
why don't you release an alpha version?
S3 licensed
Quote from HorsePower :I guess I will be finished somewhere between christmas and new year.

Great! I was thinking about setting up Your Hottracker for my team in these days, do You suggest me to wait for the new release/version?
S3 licensed
At first look it seems great! But, why don't You develope support for remote server?

This is my need.
S3 licensed
Quote from Bladerunner :a SIMPLE (not so sure it's so simple) RaceFinsihAction could be helpful for messages about the next session...what tracks/cars combo etc, so that people could change setups or add fuel if necessary.

I agree, it could be useful

@everybody: please share Your lapper cfg, it could be a sort of contribution to Guy work!
Liveforspeed Italian Cup Winner
S3 licensed
Quote from Cr45h :This evening ther'll be the first race of CILFS, the most important italian championship.

32 drivers from the major Italian teams will fight from 22.15 on BL1 with the new FBM car.

Good luck to all!

I know, too few words.... The Cup is over. And the winner is....

Maurizio Naselli
proud member of RACE4FUN team.


Standings, statistics, replays and results are on
S3 licensed
Quote from Yisc[NL] :
A big thank you is what you deserve for this.
So here it is: THANK YOU

I agree... THANKYOU

A question... I dont remeber if I can use the same file #QualUsers = &./your_file.flt; also for Auth drivers... (it would be very useful)
Last edited by lysergic, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Gai-Luron :

Manage system league
I think that is not a work for lapper to manage league system. I think this function will be done by an external automated programm like this ( ).

How can I use it? Is avaiable for others?
S3 licensed
Hi, features request...

Lot of teams organize championship and coul be useful to develope functions that help race director:

- schedule events (official league races)
- permit racers to join official races based on "List of user qualifying"
- on official races assign points to racers
- admin must be able to assign penalties after the event

I think also that lappers could be an "open source" alternative to ctra-x system.

If any of us would contribute to Gai-Luron beatiful software it could be a "must have" add-on.

@Gai-Luron: try to build a developement team, any of us could do something useful... (me only webdesign... and not php, sorry)
S3 licensed
Hi, do You think is possible to integrate or create functions like NextRace addon?

It would be useful to make Automatic rotation Tracks and/or Cars based on date and not only on time.
my render
S3 licensed
your opinion please