Hi Gai, I'm sorry about wiki slow server... never mind
I was thinking about Authorization Options ( license ) and Handicaps users.
Is possible to define Authorized drivers like "QualUsers = @DefGroup" function? Because I want team members would be always authorized to race on team server.
Is possible to define non Handicaps users in the same mode?
Is possible to deny the use of shift-p? Or deny re-join qualification session (like midrace join function)?
How does the ftp function works? Is it scheduled?
LFSLapper is great! I'm so sorry I'm not able to contribute... I don't know C++ neither PHP a little better with asp, but PB txt file format is hard to handle
Hi all, our team (Race4fun) wants new skin because we are renewing site (www.racingportal.it ) and drivers.
We need good and professional looking skins for all the cars.
We like black but it's not so important. We need green, white and red: the colors of Italian flag!
I hope tha somebody volenterous could help uor team. I cannot promise nothing, no money for that work, we'll report the author and credits of skins on our website.