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Need help
S2 licensed

1st of all, sry if i wrote in wrong topic.

Our little team runs a dedicated host on a Mandriva linux based system.
We used Lapper in the past, but when we used it, we runs the server from our pc, with win os and .net.
Now on linux, a bit problem appears. The old 5.7xx lapper runs fine, without error msg.
The new 5.8xx give us an error.
Mono 2.0 "installed" via built in update and install.

The error log attached.

What can be the problem?
S2 licensed

1st of all, sry for bad english.

2nd. .dbs files, how can be read out its entries? example to show them on a site.

3rd. the additional values database, we want to sort by any (points etc.), how can we do it?

pls, if somebody can help, wrote.

(sry, it is my friends questions, he try to do some system)
S2 licensed
Quote from Shadowww :Step 1: Install Ubuntu for PowerPC
Step 2: sudo apt-get install gcc cpp make glibc-devel build essential
Step 3: get wine sources
Step 4: compile it
Step 5: enjoy it.

BTW, which GFX card is on PS3?

Is this for me? Or no? (I think no, but not clear.)
S2 licensed
Quote from obsolum :Oh djees, these matters shouldn't even be discussed on this forum IMO. I haven't watched the replay or reviewed the report, but the CTRA admins are fair. Sometimes a penalty is a bit harsher than you would expect, but it's always deserved.

And seriously, do you think anyone cares that your friends are leaving because they got a penalty? We don't. Because if they leave for that reason alone then they're not the kind of drivers people want on CTRA. So instead of crying like a baby about how unfair that they've been treated they should take it like a man and clean up their act. Or, just don't race on CTRA again. But I really can't stand the whining about penalties. If you get penalized on CTRA, you've deserved it.

Thank U for your answer.

something just happened, cause appeal submitted, not closed.

Before answer again, come and race. :rally_dri
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :See.. I disagree. He hit jarmil in the side of his car, and it was ONLY good fortune that jarmil was not spun out of the race. No effort was made to avoid spinning him.. your friend did not EVEN lift off the gas. Frankly, it was lousy behaviour from your friend.

what i see, he touched jarmils bumper, then after he try to pass him from right, and jarmil pushed he to the grass... and after some corner jarmil made a big banned problem.

but now he is on homepage to fill appeal(where he can appeal again?). My sound gone away, cause i try to catch him on ventrilo.

and sorry for contacting here, but no other contacts for admins, and he can speak less english than me.
Last edited by mackosajt, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Bean0 :I have not seen the replay, only read this thread.

500 points does seem harsh at first, but as your friend was Silver licensed he should have known better.

As your license level increases, the standard of expected behaviour also increases.
I imagine the penalty would have been a bit lower for a Bronze licensed guy, but also a lot higher had the offender been Gold or above licensed.

Edit: Didn't someone get a penalty of 3000 points or similar for a revenge wreck ?

but he dont wrecked jarmil. Just a bit push, wich can be a race accident (some cases, when igot other pushes, and reported the driver, i got this answer...) this is why i post here
S2 licensed
For everyone who reads this.

I always talk with my friend live on ventrilo. He now says, that 500 point is for a "push" is a huge penalty.

He dont wrecked jarmil. why he got this? This means, his 1/4 of the races has gone away...
Cause jarmil dont keep the rules about midrace join, and blue flag?

This is the problem.

Main problem is the 500 point.
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :He didn't wreck him in return. The guy who got permanently banned started wrecking after being rammed by the guy who got the caution.

Same replay.

so, what we talk about? He wrecks or not?

He just want to pass him with blue flag rules... He dont give him way, and get a bit push, but what happend after that?

sorry, but i see, that someone dont see the forest from a tree.
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :I reported him.

Thank U....


and for hotmail:
I give the report ID. U see?
S2 licensed
say something... how can he pass him?
Rules... say something about blue flags.
So He abit pushed jarmils bumper, but then jarmil pushed he to the grass, and after some corners, jarmil spined out my friend.

U wont be so angry about that?

And in next lap, jarmil stay on the track, in front of the racers...

He dont wrecked anyone. Or yes? U see, he wrecked jarmil?
S2 licensed
Watch the replay in the report... before post.

The penalty I think is too big.
And I ask, who reported him?

I reported the wrecker, cause my friend never use the reporting sistem...
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :looking at the details of your friends actions I dont think they will be missed. The CTRA was designed to promote racing ethics in the virtual world, and to weed out the 'gamer' attitudes which plagued online pickup racing.

When people refuse to be educated for doing something they thought was ok but wasn't in accordance with racing rules, it's good that they no longer access the system.

Win-win I think .

Sorry for that question, but can U understand my post?

My friend were the race leader... He try always to drive clean. Comes a wrecker to the server, he were behind my friend on the track. Tried many times wreck my friend. He fed up with that...
S2 licensed
Quote from SabersKunk :Why drive the wrong way? Penalty deserved imo. This is a race track not a play park.

Your second example sounds very unlikely, got a replay?

He got replay, and he got an appeal, but get the same answer (#19964)
His word say something...

and I think, this is the end. I like races on ctra, but bad things makes it less fun. I lost 2 friends, 2 clean driver.

The wrong way was just a wrong minute from my friend. He did it, when leader finished, but other not. He did not crashes anyone.
He fed up with wreckers, pushers etc.

They wont be back again...
Last edited by mackosajt, .
S2 licensed
NO linux files will be?

simpli linux, not wine, mono etc.
Admins, thank you!
S2 licensed
I wrote this, cause I think, CTRA admins not so fair admins.

I don't get any penalties, just my friends.

One of my friends get a penalty for a realy sily thing. He made a wrong way drive, but dont crash any driver. He got 900 point penalty... he earned till this only 1900... he deleted his details, and gone away from ctra...

Another friend got 500 points penalty...
and why?
Cause he "wrecked" a wrecker(midrace joiner n00b), when he leads the race...

Man! Think! CTRA can be crashers heaven?

And he deleted his details, and say bye to ctra....

Thank You!

I was till this point a ctra fun... but I just say, that can be a stupid heaven.....

Clean racers, normal drivers gets penalties... 2-3 week report reviews... crasher heaven...

S2 licensed

I want to ask, that is there any solituion, to run an lfs dedi host without wine?

Or the devs do not want to create an official linux dedi host pack?
many other games has the linux version to host a server.

ps.: sry, if wrote it to wrong place.
S2 licensed
Quote from Victor :From what i can tell, the connection between the relay and your host seems unstable, which may cause the host to time out from time to time.
Not sure what can be done about that though.

Thank you for the fast reply.

I thinked about that. But i dont understand, cause it is a "seed" server, with few user, and it is got a very high speed connection.
It is an X-files. Call Scully and Mulder to solve the problem.

another question.( if it is offtopic, pls somebody answer in PM.)
how can we run Lapper in the same time on the host? must have something special?
Need some help
S2 licensed

I try to search an answer for my/our team problem.

We now runs a dedicated demo host on my friends server, and we allowed on server the insim port (exactly 29999).

I set it with the ip and insim port on the - insim relay.

1st time it was worked. We watched our server on
this link. Few minutes later the dedi closed the insim port, and on the - insim relay i just see : Connect attempt # or Disabled

I write on the host, when i was in with admin pass: /insim 29999

Its open the port, and I push the reactivate button on

It worked. Shows, status: OK

and then we can watch again our server the link above.

But few minutes again, the insim close. And it is happening periodic.

What we do wrong? What can we do, to work it fine?

sorry, if it was answered earlier, but i cant find with search. (and sry for my english)
S2 licensed
last from me..

if I can drive with keys, and I don't have problems with clutch, grip etc., and I am only a novice, all other players with wheels must can drive cars without problems.
So i like Y
S2 licensed
Quote from autobot001 :few nice tweeks wouldn't go a miss though,

even ask a few drifters? what they would like?

I think LFS is for race first, and the drift comes after that.
S2 licensed
Quote from autobot001 :its so childish some of the comments

they should modify the patch to cater for drifters and grippers.

end of.

Case Closed!

in test patch forums, also the drifters were angry.
S2 licensed
Quote from autobot001 :Like or or hate it.

i think there should be enough fun for drifters and the cars feel correct. then going full out on the grippers...

going round and round gripping, personally i cant see the fun in jsut driving around a track..

drifting is alot more exciting and more of a skill.

I think that you with S2 can be drift with XRT.

Demo can use XRG. Little harder, but can. (some "drifters" use XFG )
S2 licensed
I am only a demo user, but i was downloaded earlier the X30, and the other test patches with my friends, we were happy, that XRT drifters were gone away from demo. (we were a little sorry, cause we made sometimes "Fun Races" in a "FUN league" - just for fun, not for PB -, and the next race should be XRT BL1 Rev, but we can did it, if we don't patch the X10 with Y.)
So we like X30 and up, and we like Y (Not all of us, but most of us - about 10 from 15 people)
Some of us have S2, and we will be S2 licensed too, as soon as possible.

And the most important thing, that we can use the new clutch system, with keys, with mouse and with wheel. First time it was strange, but we learned the shifting, and it is more realistic, than "just push the pedal to the metal". Try this old shifting in a real car, and you will be in a service soon.

So, i think, this patch isn't bad.
1. lot of noob drifters gone
2. more realistic
3. we will be S2 licensed
4. 3 type car is in demo, not 2(XRT and XRG is 1, but one of that have a turbo)

S2 licensed
Quote from troy :regarding the server crashing, are you on latest dedicated server version X10?
that should fix the crash bug, wont help with the speed hack but i guess we will see a fix for that soon also

I think, that the [PINK] server is the latest X10. But it's not my host. I hope, there will be soon the hack fix. And I hope, the cheater will have a big problem.
Quote from micha1980de :try starting your dedicated-host as as "service" and set it to "restart" after one minute in case the server crashes.


When i run my host, it is starting with "Dedigui", but i use some commands in cfg, that it can not do. THX for the idea, but the hack fix is the best... as soon as possible.
but on that waiting, i will use the restart.
S2 licensed

Amateur demo and S2 lincensed users, we like race!


BenelHUN /S2/
CaRBoN HuN /S2/
GSiLaca /S2/
Honda Type-R /S2/
kv(hun) /S2/
mackosajt /S2/
Mugen Sir H /S2/
potyo /S2/
Redbull756 /S2/
SASA70hun /S2/
Target78 /S2/

Cupra-R /Demo/
David(HKV) /Demo/
Ferencke /Demo/
MaSt-R /Demo/
Robibacsi /Demo/
Vakond /Demo/

Our members servers (not 24-7):

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Kockasajt Magyarorszag /watch team site for details/

So we like LFS!
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