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S2 licensed


fuk this is amusing to read
i thought i was dumb (maybe i still am )

their is many ways to controle boost and vary intake pressures but personaly id prefer a externaly wastegate or even 2 on a 4 inch dump with a 2 and a half inch wastegate pipe but thats costly and ilegal here
S2 licensed
well personaly id rather not crack it but i really dont want to wait

and apart from waiting id have to take my hole tower to a place with net just to unlock?? fuk that
need help cant unlock :(
S2 licensed
hey ok here is the story i have S2 and just recently updated my game to the new patch z but i dont have the net at home to unlock anyway i can unlock offline at all?? dont exactly want to wait 3/7 weeks to play lfs
S2 licensed
lol forums lfs/lineage2/ RBR/ movie's/ Go to the drag's/Go to the racetrack and race/go to the gym/go for mountan runs/go out clubing/go see one of the few girls i know/go for a skate (board)/ Free style dirt jumping (BMX)/

lol baiscly i do what ever i want if i get bored
S2 licensed
this was a very intresting read. banning knife's wont fix the problem

i was in quiet a few gang fights in my earler year's and their was rarely a knife normaly just base ball bats and such. after i got a little older and out of gangs is where i seen lowlife's carrying knive's trying to rob people and the few times someone pulled a knife on me and my friends when we were skating or riding they got beat down so hard im not sure they would consider pulling a knife on someone else again.

in short the only way to make these people realize what they are doing is dumb is to make them feel pain and scare them that much they wont want to feel that pain again.

and in australia we have law's against carrying knive's nothing over 6inch is allowed. 2 months ago my friend got his throught slit by a 4inch blade laws wont work
S2 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer ::chairfallI lol'd!

I'm going to stop make senseless posts in this thread now.

awww why not ur on a role

and im enjoying this thus far
S2 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :Could you point out where I have been hypocritical?

lol i said
A little hyprocital from ur point of view means= that from ur side i can see how its a little hyprocital but thats besides the point my statement was ment to give you guys the realization that not everything works the same way as you have been tould or read!

and to Ball Bearing Turbo im guessing ur post was directed at me? if so who really gives a shit about trying to be professional on a public racing forums??:"?
S2 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :But isn't that what you are doing by making that post? Seems a little hypocritical to me...

no if u read correctly im not argueing im stating what i have seen and im not saying i understand how they work i merly stated that i have seen ALOT of differnt things. but yer a little hyporcritical from ur point of view.
S2 licensed
this is a extreamly dumb thread if u guys dont know how a turbo works corectly dont argue that ur right.

i dont fully understand turbo's but they dont all work the same due to differnt boost controlers wastegates and even the way it dumps the gass's can cause differnt boost curve's

shit AR ratio's of the exhaust wheel and compresser wheel alter the lienairty of the turbo's boost curve allso

yes the turbo's in LFS are WRONG!

i drive a car that can hit full boost 17psi at 2600 RPM in 3rd and 4th if u floor it from 1000 RPM and in 2nd it gets to 15PSI at 2500 RMP befor the wheels spin and it Drops down to 12 PSI when spinning

BTW it holds the boost untill 5000 RPM then drops off 2 psi befor hiting the 6500 LIMITER!

and i can go from -20 vacume to -2 vacume free reving the engine
S2 licensed
ahhhhhhhhhhhhh a girl please dont hurt me im a VIRGIN!!!

/ runs away scared

lol welcome and have fun i personaly dont care if ur a girl or not i just hope u can provide some fun intence racing

good luck with the sexualy frustrated nerds
S2 licensed
i parked my car overnight at the police station in compton!
S2 licensed
im so fast look at my weight reduction!!!
S2 licensed
Quote from wsinda :
If you drive on a public road at a speed where cornering lines and hitting apexes become important, then your are definitely going too fast.

lol apexes are important on the road for me cause i drive with a locker and i dont like to hear the tyres scrub allso i normaly drive around the corners ALOT slower then i could i normaly take 90deg bends at about 15/25 kph

but yes not ur car drive how he wants. as for u convincing them u can drive? im not sure u can
S2 licensed
my frist question is do u have about 15k to 35k to spend???

if not dont try get that power figer at all

if u want the most reliable way of geting 400rwhp
i susjest a RB30/26 its what im building slowly
should make 400 rwKW's at alot less psi then any SR20 or CA18
S2 licensed
lol v8 supercars use detriot lockers now?
i thought they used to use Full Spools cause detriot lockers are extreamly savage with on/off power.

anyways drifters use 2 way cause like he said its pritty much constant locked diff.

so i guess the theroy is how would u want to setup the car?
S2 licensed
genraly setups give me 2/5 sec's a lap depending on the track

with the right set i can get around 1/2 sec's away from the WR

but the best set dosent allways suit every driver i know personaly i like a weighty steering and a lose back end on turn in but not exit
S2 licensed
ok im not exactly sure what u guys are talking about but to clear up a few things

i run normal road pads and dot4 fluid in my car and 235-40-17 tyres

when i raced on the track the first time
after 2 laps tyres were to hot at 27 PSI along with brake fade

fade was geting worse every lap
on lap 6 the brake pedal hit the floor and had no braking what so ever the fluid was fuked.
after i let the car sit for a few hours my brakes were fine

and i have no abs or brake bias but the feeling of the pedal didnt help me to not lock the wheels that much
S2 licensed
dam jap

had to say it

and dont listen to any of these simple minded people if u want to learn to drift buy a S13/14/15 and go to a track and learn dont be dumb and try on the streets

i done a bit of grip racing timed laps and allso drifting personaly atm id rather race then drift but budget comes in to play

its cheap to get a car sideways

it costs big $$$$ to make it fast around corners
S2 licensed
Quote from LineR32 :Movies or series (series are Stand Alone Complex, there's also a movie)?

Wolf's Rain
Last Exile
Elfen Lied

yer theirs a ghost in a shell movie 1 and 2 personly i liked 1 alot more it really fuked with ur mind
S2 licensed
i didnt read the hole thread but i watch

full metal alchmist
the one with mido ban in it
ghost in a shell 1 and 2
and the old manga's
first of the north star
ninja scroll

and others cant rember the names
anyone recomend some good ones?
S2 licensed
Quote from breadfan :You sound like a sensible partner
I like the picture posted a while ago, but I dare to believe that there is more to a woman than just her a-hole. Ever heard of oral sex?

lol anyways besides the scarcasium
just be carefull condoms and pills arnt 100% safe but will help if you dont want kids get ur friends to remind u just befor u go see a girl that she could get pregnen this made stop and stay home a few times
S2 licensed
Quote from Dajmin :Then don't share the info on a public forum.

But that to me sounds like she dumped you for a reason you don't want to talk about, which normally means something bad about you.

I've never met her and I'm starting to see her point too.

lol think what u want mate but the fact stands i tould her to fuk off and never call me again \

good sluts are hard to find
Last edited by MAD3.0LT, . Reason : i like shoes
S2 licensed
i susjest less options for settings in road cars

in a real road car u cant change diff ratios gears and other stuf like that cant be changed in a REAL road car without spending racing $$$ on them.

as for ur idea though u went into great detail and such i think the devs have done a awesome job thus far and should do what they think is right. make their live for speed not gran turismo
S2 licensed
lmao 1/5 means 1 to 5 times jajaj and the x part is non uf ur bisness

lmao love that pic i wish i could get that on a shirt!
S2 licensed
lol i was fuking my x gf for about 1 year normaly 1/5 times a day not once with a condom she never got pregnet. but i allways did stress if she got preg we would get a abortion..

play it safe if u dont wanna be a dad dont have unprotected sex+pill

or get a vescitimy