I experience no such issues with the latest WINE and Logitech DFP. I however did notice that the centering spring force stays on which messes with force feedback. I'm not sure why this would happen as WINE is supposed to disable the centering spring force when the device is acquired. Is LFS doing anything new in this area?
What version of Ubuntu and WINE are you using? LFS hasn't needed any sort of hacks to run nicely in WINE for quite a while. If you're using an older version of Ubuntu, you might need to install a more up-to-date version of WINE from this PPA and install "wine-staging" package instead of "wine". That will give you the freshest version of WINE available.
The code you posted lost indentation so it's impossible to tell what happens in the while loop. The OutSim packet has the a "Time" field, use that to get time deltas.
Good. If you know C you can find a fully working OutGauge code right on the forum. It will also spare you the trouble of converting the raw packet format to something processable in VB.
What exactly does that mean? What language(s) do you have some experience with? Do you know at least the basics of network communication?
If you are sure you have OutSim and OutGauge enabled, you also should notice that the sample code does not display the received data anywhere. It only reads the raw data from the received packet and stores it in individual variables.
It sounds like what you need is OutSim. What is your programming background? Helper libraries like InSim.NET take care of the communication, all you have to do is process the received packets. Did you not see this sample code? (https://github.com/alexmcbride/insimdotnet#outgauge--outsim)
There is your problem. What is the point of running a server anyway if you will not have time to maintain it?
You are probably not going to find anyone that would help you by actually setting the server up for you. People have no problem offering advise, tips, code snippets and stuff because that is something they can do in their own time and there is no commitment involved. Working with other people on something is a completely different matter, even more so when the deal sound like "I need you to do all the actual work for me".
You might have a much better luck if you ask specific questions about the problems you are having.
Yes he did and he eventually ditched it. I also don't see how you'd get a decent 3D acceleration from within VMWare guests.
I've been thinking that building this shared gaming machine on top of Linux and run LFS through WINE might be an interesting option. It would however require decent amount of experience with Linux and Xorg configuration to get it working.
It is quite possible that Windows try to assign more resources to the foreground application, sacrificing anything that runs on the background. One thing you may try is disabling desktop composition (http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/127411-desktop-composition-enable-disable.html), the guide I found is for Win7 but hopefully it hasn't changed in Win10. You should definitely pin each LFS instance to one CPU core. If you don't do that, LFS processes will bounce around all the cores causing CPU cache misses and inducing extra overhead for the CPU scheduler. There is also the question of how Windows manages the multiple non-crossfired GPUs in your machine. It's possible that all LFS instances are being processed on the primary GPU and the rendered image is copied to the secondary GPU's memory so that in can be displayed on a monitor hooked up to the second GPU.
That's exactly right and nobody is disputing that. The question to ask here is "why?". Racing servers need some management to keep the trolls and wreckers away. Another thing is competitiveness. Driving skills of individual players vary greatly which is why CTRA offered a few categories based on players' experience and lap times. That way everyone could join a race they would enjoy. There was also Wrecker Barricade that tried to keep away people who repetitively tried to ruin others' fun. These are just a few things I recall from the more lively days of LFS that made the online experience pretty great.
Communities don't just form by themselves. There always have to be a nucleus. There used to be a bunch of pretty active and resourceful people within LFS community which was why there were so many cool places for online racing. With these people gone and nobody new to take their place it's no wonder that the number of active players took a dive. It has very little to do with no new content, lack of progress reports, ambitions of the devs and whatnot. The center upon which the community was built broke apart and that's why there is no real racing community anymore. Cruisers and drivers keep showing us that one can still enjoy LFS as long as there are people with whom you can enjoy it!
Here is a question I've been wanting to ask for a while. There seems to be a fair amount of people who keep "caring" about LFS. However, this "care" seems to be limited to babbling on the forum about how the devs should do this and that differently. Why don't you people actually do something substantial instead? You can revive something like CTRA for instance. With open configs you can create a bunch of new tracks, especially in SO, RO and WE. InSim itself is another mighty tool in LFS' arsenal... It's definitely not like you don't have the means to try and pour some fresh blood into LFS racing community.
I don't believe he does. What Englishlord was getting at was that when a product fails to meet someone's needs or expectations, it does not necessarily mean that there is something objectively wrong with the product. We get it, some people got bored of LFS and want it to become something more. What I personally don't get is why these people keep pitching their ideas over and over instead of finding a game that has the features they're missing in LFS.
They have been talking about S3 pretty much from the first time they decided to sell LFS in stages. You have seen what happened when the devs mentioned a new content which they then failed to deliver in the way expected by the community. Personally, I think that stating point blank that there may be no new S3 content coming in the release announcement was very decent of Scavier.
If wasn't just the S3 content what was released after S2, was it? The tire physics already got one massive update somewhere around 0.5P, there were InSim improvements, VR headsets support, 3D engine got ported to D3D9. Do you not recall Scawen reworking a considerable part of the networking code when there was a hack available that could get anybody admin access to a server? IIRC Scawen jumped on the issue a few days after it went viral of the forum, showing that he clearly DOES care.
You cannot possibly know this. The devs have only so much effect on the state of the community. In a way the community is only as good as its members make it. For instance, I believe it would help a great deal if someone were to revive CTRA but that is completely out of the devs' control.
I knew that fetching myself a bottle of Budweiser before I clicked that link was a good idea, but let me get this straight. He knows that he's dating a girl who needs to have all the lightbulbs in her brain replaced, he publicly humiliates her in a series of videos and then he asks her to marry him. Is this some sort of weird performance art because seriously... WTF???
If that doll is really that guy's girlfriend I actually feel more sorry for him than for her. This video can serve as a perfect demonstration of why is direct democracy a terrible idea. Nevertheless, I suppose that the share of people who had no clue what consequences their vote might have was the same on both sides.
Cheap laptops are notorious for overheating under continuous load. With both CPU and GPU under load it might take about one lap for them to reach a temperature where they start to throttle down. If this is the case the problem will get progressively worse the longer you drive.
I don't think it will be that bad. My older laptop with í5-2540M and HD3000 can easily do over 25 FPS on Westhill with 4x AA and 8x AF at 1600x900 with nine AI drivers on the track while running LFS through WINE on Linux. Newer Intel GPUs have noticeably more power than HD3000 and LFS is not that resource demanding anyway.
We cannot help you if you don't tell us what do you want the code to do and what it is actually doing. Are you trying to make a total distance counter? Does your code crash in the for loop?
Check for the "!kick" string and send an IS_MST with the appropriate "/kick" command back to LFS. Use sprintf() to add the username of the player to be kicked to the "/kick" command.
I can see two possible problems here. You're not setting the "Interval" parameter in InSimSettings which might be why you aren't getting any IS_MCI packets. The overloaded InSim.Send() method call uses "\msg Some text" in the InSim.NET examples, try prefixing your strings with "\msg".