Yesterday, 3 servers was running with around 15-25 drivers on each one.
The processor rate was around of 50-60% and traffic data around of 5 Mb/s on a 100 Mb/s connection with unlimited traffic.
Joe, without this cutting track, I don't think that you will be in the same place after the chicane !
And you had enough track space on the right of your car to stop it before wall contact, isn't it ?
I don't want any punishement on you for this action.
But I hope that you will be agree for me for to say that's not really fait-play, isn't it ? We are not on a demo party, but between fair-play drivers (so, not everybody, but I hope you are one of them ).
What do you think about a settings in dedi cfg for to set the layouts directory ?
For the moment, we have that for mpr directory (/mprdir=...). And why not for layouts ?
In my team, we have a dedi server with some lfs server. All lfs servers use the same LFS.exe, and all lfs servers use the same layouts directory, but not the same layouts.
It's not very nice.
Because when a big crash is in front of you and you arrive at this place, you probably can't view all cars at the time, and probably, you can crash in one (and more ^^) car that you don't view before.
And it's too easy to click on the wrong button ^^ (for example you want to send a msg to a driver, and you click on the kick or ban button instead of click on the driver's name).
When you download skins from the forum (for example), you put into the skins folder private and public skins.
Nobody can use private skin except his owner. But private skin is in the same folder that public skins. And when I choose a skin in the "garage", I don't always remember which skin is public and which skin is private.
It's not possible to have this folders : "skins" (for own skins and publics skins) and "skins_private" (for private skins ^^ (like the older "skins_x" folder )) ?
But, thing really crazy !!! When I rename "LFS_PATCH_W_TO_X.exe" to "LFS_W_TO_Y.exe" (for example), the "administrator rights'" icon disappear and we can run the patch without "administrator rights'" question !
I's probably because the name include "PATCH" that the "administrator rights" is asked !
And that work so with "SETUP".
But I have a problem with the auto update feature in game on my Vista.
LFS download the patch, but after that, the patch are not run because Vista want to have administrator rights, but the patch doesn't ask that.
For update your LFS, you must to go in your LFS folder and run manually "LFS_PATCH_W_TO_X.exe" and to answer "yes" at the question for administrator rights.
This is a "bug" on auto update feature of LFS or on Vista ?