You don't get it. Different patches affects KS control. The result of that is time maded by drivers that use KS. If actual patch is good for them they can make WR. If not, they'll not make WR. Last patch is good for them. Great driver will be always great, but time made by him is immeasurable.
Maybe I'm wrong, because so many of you have diffrent opinion.
p.s. i'll say one more time: "sorry for my english"
I'd like to change (adjust) angel of my ext. mirrors to see smth. diffrent for example then from my virtual mirror.
It'd be very easy to do.
left mirror:
press "," to turn more left
press "." to turn more right
right mirror:
press "shift ," to turn more left
press "shift ." to turn more right
Sometimes not much is enough. You can see that developers are deciding how fast KS drivers are. More help in KS system and KS drivers are on top. Less help and W drivers are on top.
I'm sure that skilled drivers racing with KS will not change the controller even for free. I'll not believe in fast racing with keybord w/o help. They are good, because they know how to use that help. Watch hotlap replay of the best KS and the best W drivers. You'll see that KS algorithm makes a lot of small corrections during milliseconds (left-right). Especially when driving on the edge (100,1% of what car can make).
Some of you are driving with KS and u'll never admit that it's sometimes easer for you.
Remember LFS is a SIM. It simulates reality, and in car, reality means wheel and pedals. There's no KS in my car. So simulation of what is KS?
Yeah, I know. KS is a simulation of a wheel (and more)...
So keyboard is as good as wheels and pedals. Maybe we should tell that car's designers!! I can see that headers:
2005 > "Ferrari pattented 6 keys driving control"
2006 > "Shumacher won GP just with 6 keys !"
There is no wheel stabilized nor mouse stabilized. Do you want to play using kb? Play, but w/o stabilization!!! There is not allowed to help driving the car In F1 . I don't want to play against driver+algorithm.
I'm watching "Best Motoring" from time to time. Drivers are racing on the track with many different cars. Interesting is that you can see pedals all the time during the race. You'll not see something like 0/1 throttle style. Why? Because they know how to drive and they want to win. No chance to make a good time without full analog throttle. That's why KS SHOULD NOT make a WR.
// Hard ESP System for (int w=0; w<=3; w++){ if (wheel[w].gripLost() == true){ if (user.control() == KS) ESP( user, wheel[w] ); else System.out.println("You have a problem. Good luck."); } }
I was looking at people driving with KS and I saw that they are driving in a strange style. It was not realistic without ESP. Remember that they have 0/1 throttle and 200+ HP.
i'm almost 100% sure that cars driving with ks have something like ESP. Check out the best hotlap on BL with XRT car. How is it possible to drive with keybord faster then with wheel?? Maybe i'll replace a wheel in my real car with 4 keys?
I made 1.24.24 on BL (XRT) and on the last turn left I could observe ONLY "KS people" driving faster then me. It's obvious that software is correcting them.
So, my idea is to make driving with KS and mouse harder.
ps. sorry for my english (i couldn't write it in java or c++
if ghost car is pattented, you could make just ghost wheels with forces or line that is drawing on the track. Line would be cool. Colours could indicated acc. or braking. This would look like in Replay Analizer, but in real time.