woooooooooow guys impressive work now i tried to render skin via 3dmax and i spent 6 hours just to attach skin to car so i suck. can somebody pls make me rander of my 2 skins like 1 car overtake othere at aston,if thats to compicated can you please make normal render? and please mitcubishi to be i front other car is my friend friends skin:http://img178.imageshack.us/img178/2333/xrtsert04nu0.jpg my skin:http://img244.imageshack.us/im ... 9/xrtmitsubishinewxo1.jpg
guys i have a question. i start a replay,noobstv and fraps to record that in avi,but when i change from lfs to noobs tv recording stops. is there another way to record that? thanks in advance
aight guys i have a question. i record mpr with fraps,and then do something in windows movie maker. so after that how do i save my work in .avi? or i must save in wmm and then convert it in avi? if so which program does that? thanks in advance!
i dont agree with you. demo dont need cut,its just ok. i played demo for a while and get bored with one same track,so i bought s2,its just sooooo goood and addictive!
dont get me wrong i like these tracks,great work,but i would like to see f1 season in lfs,it just what i would like to see,and i think there are many other people that wish that as well
looks like demo player heard for lfs from a friend! and play lfs at his place,until he buys s2,until that he plays some other games that have original tracks but feels rubish!and when he buys s2 he would like to play BF1 on real tracks!!!
please dont flame me if someone said this. i dont know which guy made tracks,but it would be nice if he can make all f1 tracks and put them in some patch or zip or whatever,it would be great to drive BF1 on real tracks!
Please help! i drive race last night and when i finished i saw this "flags"[img][img=http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/7537/untitled1ux9.th.jpg][/img] what are this helps? and please tell me should they be off or on,and where to turn them on,off.
Thanks in advance
i suppose there is misunderstand here,i start new race on any server and start lfs stats,and it works in black window,but when race ends it doesnt write results,maybe i dont know to setup properly. p.s. few days ago i downloaded program and it worked,i saw results and all of that. can you please explain me how to set it up? what i must put in folder? can you post some picture of setup?
no i play on public server and when i first started lfs stats it worked but now it doesnt some times i got error packets recived before ISI or something like that,what i must put in stats folder to make that work?do i need this sample stats? or graph? does this work without replays? i mean realtime?
helloo ! i have some problems. i am a bit noobish, ok i downloaded stats and put it in folder,i start lfs and type /insim 65000 and then i start lfs stats,black window appears and in there it says "wait for race to start" when race starts it calculate lap times,chat,etc... but when race ends program shuts and it wont write to results! Please can someone explain what should i do? illepall