As you can see, I'm stuck on which mobo to get. I favor Nvidia over all, after having the nForce2 mobo for so damn long, =] BUT, I dont care much for SLI...and all nVidida chipsets have SLI. Also, I seem to favor ASUS stuff, but are there any other good companies you can sugest?
Third, perhaps I can just get a board with a single PCI-E X16 slot? and a nVidia south bridge?
I want to get a new card (doing a build) And was recomended the 8600GTS as a god card. Later, i went to the store and was told about "high end" and "low end" cards. From the conversation I understood that the 7900 gts might actualy be a better/cheaper buy and actualy be faster than the 8600. Can someone help me with this please? BTW, I'm looking for a decentpci-e card that does not cost an arm and a leg, but is a good powerrful card. I would like nVidia. Thank you.
you know what guys? I loved therecent article in Sport Compact Car (US tuning mag) about how driving with your eyes is faster than driving with your ass. The editor said how he played forza on a triple screen setup with an xbox360 ffb wheel for some testing, and how the loss of feel was very noticable at first, but then, he started to realize just how realistic physics in sim games are if you just try a little. He also mentioned about your body. Quote: "it's faster for your eyes to sense something, and then for the needed reaction to go down to your arms and legs, then for something to travel ffrom your appendages or behind to your brain, and for the reaction to travel back down. It was a bit more elaborate, but this did make a lot of sense to me, and coincidentaly, i noticed that I, do in fact rely on my eyes more to drive a car IRL. This also explains how i avoided a couple "unavoidable" wrecks in my first couple weeks of driving with my license.
Yes Yes and again, YES!!!!!! Finaly, we have a good autocross system!
I especialy love autoX, and was waiting for someone to do a good job on progressing this aspect of the game, so I can enjoy it both here and IRL on a simmilar level. THANK YOU GUYS!!!!!!:woohoo::rally_dri
Well, that's not quite right. FFB doesnt just telepathicaly get inputs from thin air. Yes, power does not go through USB for the FFB, but it DOES get its inputs for how to react from the usb plug.
But yes, I am in a dorky mood today to point this out.
what does the joystick connector look like? Remember, just because your babbling makes sense to you when YOU post, doesnt mean we can connect to your mind and understand it. Please, think a bit, then start to type... maybe, it's an old joystick that used to connect to that funky yellow plug on the older mobo's? My computer still has that. also, have you tried flipping the plug? USB goes in only one way, so try to fit it, then flip it and try again, kiddo.
Oh, come on Gai, I am very thankful for you putting your time in to do this for us I'll download as soon as I'm home and be shure to use everything dude. don't sweat it, ok? People just forget to say thanks sometimes...
It's me agian... Hey Der Butz, I was wondering about your AVA. How long have you been driving an LX? Was it since before the LX month, or was it a "try it and love it" kind of thing? When I get back, do you think you could coach me on driving it a little? I love the cars, but the handling is too much fun to drive properly.
(especialy when trying to link 4-wheel drifts on some corners I like to use drifting as an actual race technique, Mr.Keiichi style!)
By using the 'chase car' view, I can see when the rear tyres slide away, I can correct then and keep on track. I see exactly where my 2 tyres go over the curbs, perhaps I can get some closer. I see exactly what driving line my car follows, in cockpit view I don't. Perhaps it is cause I haven't drove in a real car yet, however I strongly disagree on making this view forced.
here is a perfect way to describe the reason this option was made... The people who already use cockpit view, have to deal with it, and don't complain. I personaly like cockpit view a lot, and don't have the problems you listed simply because I am RL licenced driver. now, when I drive inLFS with chase view, it feels like I'm outright cheating So ,I say, I "Get you" but I learned to cope with it, it's not that hard.
PS: this is just like the shifter on a sequeantial box, pull to upshift, push forward to downshift... it just plain feels wierd to drive like that at first, but people get used to it, and end up being faster.
Anyone else have any advice? I edited my list a little, since some of my questions were not very easy to notice.
Current list:
CPU: Core2Duo (???GHz)
Mobo: ASUS (ideas? Does C2D only come in that 77something socket?)
RAM:1GB Dual Channel Ram
PSU: what's a good wattage? 500?
Case: no idea yet. (something mid-tower ATX format good value)
I was on a conedodgers server with the GTR'S, and aston GP long course.
My main reason, is that the people there completely misunderstand the Blue Flag rules, to them, if you're behind and they come... they yell shit like "blue flag, move the hell over and let us pass" I was entering a turn, not blocking, not doing anything, just driving, then suddenly I get a blue flag... so I go, ok, I'll slow through the corner so the faster guys can pass... notice I said, slow, not move way over off track. So, the dude just shoves me off anyway, and says all this bullshit about it... This kind of thing isn't new, and has happened to quite a few experienced racers as well, and they have complained about it... to not much avail.
Anyway, that's what happened, but i dont care so much anymore, and you proved how there are good people on the servers, so I'm now thinking of giving it another go.
Yup, driving on these roads is so crazy btw, but I am loving dodging potholes the size of a UF1... really loving it! Well, that, and the fact that they don't check ID at the clubs, if you look decent enough.
and omg... compared to Cable for $80/mo, here, I have ADSL=slower, for 1.5rubles per mb.(26Rubles=$1 USD) If I used the interent as much here as I do home, it would cost me somewhere in the region of $300 a month.
OK, I guess, along with the people above, I have to prove you wrong. Yet another that took an LX-6 for a spin and went "OH SHIT!
This is awesome!" person here.
Also, I dont like riced out LX cars, so, LX"R" ftl, sorry. (Through I know what you're saying...i belive downforce/ slicks will "ruin" the essense of these cars... but that's just my personal opinion.)
So? I couldn't either... but my unexplainable love for the Super Sevens overcame my driving handicap, and now they are one of my fav cars to drive. don't hate, try, and you might get realy good in em!
I too think that you are being too... uptight about this. And I also agree that, if someone else chooses to have your skin on their ride, it should be taken as an utmost compliment.
For example, the halflords skin... I would so rock that if I found a file with it... through, I woudn't feel any guilt or that I stole it. It's a kick ass skin, why NOT have more people see your wonderful work? It doesnt matter what the supposed thief would say ( I wouldn't lie myself through, just would say i found in on the net and liked it) anyway, YOU know that you made it, and that should mean more than anything to you.
THIS.....HAPPENED..... AT CONEDODGERS? :chairfall < what just happened, really!)
Just to note: now, I at least have some hope for the place, after I got treated like complete CRAP on there, I haven't personaly bothered coming back. Well, I guess, sometimes, one arsehole ruins it for everybody, eh?
they couldn't yet manage to run SLI in full 16x/16x mode, and you could only do 16x/4x or 8x/8x. I wasn't saying that I thought THAT was the glitch, i heard there was some bios problem with em in the past where you had to flash the bios, and then everything was ok, but I suck at shit like that, and didn't want to do it.
all in all, I was wanting for someone to help me search for good parts that fit my criteria, so for example, no mobos that still do that, lol.
I think I AM going to wait, but what's happening on the 22nd???????? of what?????
Thank you guys for the replies, but please read things a little slower, so yo don't miss anything. I'm realy looking forward to building my new PC!
BTW: I was thinking more along the lines of a "cockpit" (in a car) which only a man can fill because we have a cock to fill it with. not the way most of the others took it. ANYWAY, moving on.