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S3 licensed
VB6 is not a language
S3 licensed
What do you get when your a geek and stupid.

and error
S3 licensed
theres no command to log in to admin in the game. but when in the server list there is a box that says

"Host Password" say your admin pass was bob, then you would have to put bob i hat box
S3 licensed
this is me the 10 year old
S3 licensed
scawen i seem to be having a problem. When im playing it has major FPS drops. sometimes it lags between frames. I fix it by doing Shift+4 then Shift+4 again. (It was running in windowed but this hapens in full screen also) Do you know what causes this?
S3 licensed
well we are looking for a drift admin

you could be it! ill send u a pm soon
S3 licensed
Hello! [720] Team Racing has launched a new division! 720 Cruisers

We have 2 servers

[720] Cruise #1 (in development)

[720] Cruise #2 (recomened)

we are a cruising division using dougie's open source insim. with some help from STG's Bose we add new updates to the insim!

The website isn't open yet.
added my lfs dedi as a i dont know
S3 licensed
how would i make it so my sservers and insim programs launch when the ocomputer starts?
S3 licensed
douge what is the insimreboot program?

and can you set it to display a custom welcome message?\

edit: and whats the date thing in the users.txt file? whats the goods thingy mean? and can i remove cop rites? could you make a list of what each coumand and what it does.? when will you add the km counter?

and whats the seporator for the .txt file in the users folder if i want them to begin with more cars?
Last edited by master_lfs.5101, .
S3 licensed

S3 licensed

now all i need is how do i make it so seamonkey opens webpages that would open in a new window open in taBS?
S3 licensed
nice one RM! LOL :jawdrop::jawdrop::jawdrop::jawdrop::jawdrop: :jawdrop::jawdrop::jawdrop::jawdrop::jawdrop: :jawdrop::jawdrop:
How do i change the hompage (HELP)
S3 licensed
Hey guys! Im new to seamonkey and I want to know how do i change the hompage.
"Oh, I believe In Yesterday"
S3 licensed
Have you ever been pissed off and wished it could be yesterday again?

Well post that time here!
S3 licensed
if you want to have fun with the challenge then yes for fbm
720's RFF - Rally For Fun event!
S3 licensed
Hello Peoples! Im here with the 720 RFF event! An event in witch we race on black wood (10 laps) and have a smashing fun time while we do it!


Car: XFG, XRG, XRT, and challenge car: FBM

Track: BL2 ( Blackwood RallyX)

Time/Date: Friday, May 23st, 2008 - 10:30 P.M. GMT to 11:30 GMT+11:50 (20 more minute challenge).

Server: [720] S2 Server

Entry form

Real Name ( you get an assigned number):
LFS Nickname:
LFS Username:
Why you want to join:
(If you write because you want fun it would work)
Challenge yes or no?:
Car the you want(XRG, XFG, XRT, if yes FBM:


Server will open today for practice.

Website~ ... up/forumdisplay.php?fid=5

Forum was opened temporaraly (i cant spell lol) because i just remembered we had a forum! It is empty right now i will fill it later.

#12 (Mohsin Qureshi) - (Mog3y)
Last edited by master_lfs.5101, .
S3 licensed
ill try this right now! It looks fun and simmalar to Bus Driver
S3 licensed
Hello!. We now offer PHPbb3 and for a limited time we will offer Drupal Websites!
S3 licensed
Quote from Riders Motion :name: Riders Motion
age: 16
country: Canada
playing lfs since: 1½ Year
why you should get a server: Something new coming for Slide-FX, which will require a server...

Edit: 15 Slots on S2 would do it.

i could host for you. 20 slots max on s2
S3 licensed
damn you people, lol i got mine for a full 300 and with the S&h its about $307.25 USD lol
S3 licensed
Keep the chat to a minimum. Keep Em' comin'!
S3 licensed
my krazr went in the washer. motorola sent me a brand new one now that went in too. now im getting a Verizon G-Zone Type-S
S3 licensed
this is an lfs installer i made (unnoficial) but does the kob of the 7 zip extractor but it easier.

This is version V0.1 later i will add a script to create shortcuts tot the start menu and desktop.
S3 licensed
5.24 gigs! WOW!
S3 licensed
It is just an installer does nothing special but installs LFS in X:\Program Files\Live For Speed

where X is the default drive or Local Disk