mine's just a quick dash cam view a threw together in about 25 minutes. i sure wish i had a better graphics card! i was not revering to any real highway when i put "Highway 76"
EDIT: i didn't see the rules when i made this.. shoot
i remember i used to get this error, "User name is already online" and it bothered me for about a month, and it then went away. what caused that error? did somebody hack me? was i banned?
i was excited because i just recently learned how to drift with it, not because i wanted to announce myself as some epic drifter on the forum. although i will say, we might be seeing that quote in people's signatures...
this next picture goes to everyone who thinks safety cars are boring...
look at this MPR, it's so strange. and i can't replicate that with a car that goes slower than 150mph... can this be fixed in 0.6A?
and after the car goes into the crazy spin, as it's moving across the ground, on my PC it looks like it's floating, and no, it was not bouncing. see the image