don't get me wrong, i do have a dirty mouth, but, didn't YOU just type like me? but i do apologize everybody for the, uh, rather, "crude" language i used. and thanx for all your help!! the problem is fixed!
okay, so i have had my g 25 since x-mas, and since then, it has worked fine, until yesterday. now, the throttle always stays on 1 place, the throttle pedal brakes, as in, stop the car, and brake pedal does nothing at all. i've unplugged and replugged it and that did nothing. i re-extracted LFS S2 Z, but that didn't work. the logitech profiler gets every command perfectly, but LFS doesn't. I NEED F*CKING HELP!!!
and by the way, i didn't know MTDZXwas a stunt team. i have like, 3 Blackwood ramp layouts (only 1 of which is good. worked alot on it)
What i do to fix that problem, is i make LFS windowed. then i make the window smaller. i keep doing that until i get a smooth frame rate. I've gotten 34 before while recording. the only thing is that stupid "" watermark gets a bit bigger and the recorded video will appear a bit pixleated when made bigger.
tell me if that solves your problems!! EDIT: also, you're going to have to warm fraps up by recording a few junk videos until you get the good frame rate. i'd show some recordings i've made, but i can't upload avi files
bottom line, LFS is not expensive at all, and users who use the crack must be on crack.
DON'T USE CRACK! ( i mean don't use the crack for LFS, but still, don't do crack in real life!)