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S2 licensed
Quote from LRB_Aly :Great homepage, does really help one.


Teams added:
DrivenByPassion [DBP]
Ready 4 Racing R4R
Advanced Sim Racing Hungary ASR
Speedo Racing spdo
Czech e-Racing Team CeRT

S2 licensed
Quote from NorwegianViper :Could you get Mercury on there please?

Quote from nesrulz :Add Serbian Racing Team...

Mercury and SERT added
S2 licensed
Quote from jasonmatthews :Added one of our drivers to the team, but he doesn't show in stats. When does it update?

With the current number of teams and drivers one update cycle takes about 1 to 1.5 hours. So in wors case your teammate should appear after 1.5 hours. Is he already in?
S2 licensed
Quote from Gener_AL (UK) :I have a question, If a player in a team has decided to keep their stats hidden from public viewing , does this LFS TeamStats still hide those details ?

I hope it does as peoples privacy should be respected

I completely agree with this. As i am only working with the data that i get from lfsworld I expect that the privacy settings are honored. If the settings are NOT honored this would be a (serious) bug of lfsworld and the pubstats system. On my end there is nothing i can do because i can not see the settings of a user.
But i am sure Victor has this under control
S2 licensed
Darkside, fluid and SDI added
S2 licensed
Quote from jwardy :euro r racing check out site

Sorry jwardy, but i can not find your team on lfsworld. If you have not registered it yet, just do it and give me the exact name how it is stored there.
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :He's no longer in T7R afaik

Then someone should remove him from the team at lfsworld. I can not do any manual editing of team members, this would be an endless task I just pull the members automatically from lfsworld (using Dygears great SDK).
S2 licensed
Quote from Dygear :Just an FYI, you can get teams automatically from LFSWorld via a function call in LFSWorldSDK (I think you told me your using that) It will (like all of my functions) return that information in an array that you can foreach over. In that array it would also have all of the lfsworld member names.

Thanks dygear, this is exactly what i am doing I have an "endless" script running on my webserver which does the following
1. check if new teams are added to site or if the members of any team have changed
2. for each team: Retrieve pb times for each member and update database accordingly
3. calculate comboscores for team
4. calculate global comboscores
5. start with 1. again

Thank you for your great SDK, it is really easy to use. Without it i would have probably never started this project
S2 licensed
Quote from cmckowen :Hi could T7R - Triple 7 Racing be part of your stats site!

Really nice work!


However, there is a problem with driver "danowat" - he is currently registered with 2 teams at lfsworld ("Adaptive Racing" and T7R). My app can not handle drivers being members of multiple teams, so i currently can not add T7R.
Is this a mistake or is danowat really in 2 teams? If this is a "regular" case i might have to think about a solution for the situation. But currently there is only the solution to remove him from one team.
S2 licensed
Quote from JamesF1 :Let's see how the completly-inactive vMaxSR team fair...

!vMax added, but not yet synced

Quote from jamesrowe :Would it be OK to use your platform and implement it into a team website such as our own at Dynamic Racing?

James, i think this is a good idea. But it will take some (a lot of) time until this is possible in a good way. Currently i have still too many ideas and improvements in my mind, so the codebase is changing all the time...
S2 licensed
CoRe, XFR and FM added
S2 licensed
All in Might take an hour until all members are visible.
S2 licensed
New teams added today:
  • Sonicrealms Racing
  • South City Cab Co
  • Zwarte Wind Racing
  • Majestic dragon drivers
Anyone else? It's totally free
Live for Speed TeamStats
S2 licensed
Hi everyone,

after quite positive feedback from the german lfs forum I want to introduce my small statistics site i've been toying around with also to the whole LFS-Community.

If you always wanted to know who of your team has the most laps done on Kyoto Oval Rev with the XFG or who has the fastes time with the RAC on SO Sprint 1 or who has the most laps on ... here is the answer:

Live for Speed TeamStats

Have a look at the site, you'll soon find out what it's all about.
If you want your team to appear there, just send me a PM or a mail with your team name exactly like it is registered on lfsworld. That's all i need to know, the team members will be retrieved automatically from lfsworld. The list is syncing regularly, so if your team members change just edit it on lfsworld and after some time (typically within 1 hour) my site will also be updated.

The site is synced regularly using the great pubstats system, but since there are already a lot of teams registered it may take 1-2 hours until the latest changes are synchronized.

Now i am awaiting your PMs/mails and looking forward to any kind of feedback and/or bugreports
S2 licensed
Quote from bdshan :I didn't check the LFSWorldSDK, but you may want to check if the get_pb function does a urlencode on the racer value. Since Lord of Death contains spaces you need to urlencode it.

DOH, sometimes it is so easy But to correct you, it only works with "rawurlencode()" (where spaces are converted to "%20" instead of "+").

Thanks very much!
S2 licensed
Hi Dygear,

i have a problem with the SDK

Please check the following code:
Quote :

$id_key = "<my key>";
$use_premium = FALSE;
$SDK = new LFSWorldSDK($id_key, $use_premium);

// Test "Lord Of Death"
print_r($SDK->get_pb('Lord Of Death'));


I always get an empty array. But if you check lfsworld ( ... p;racer=Lord%20Of%20Death)you see he has quite some pbs stored.

Any idea?

(I am using version 1.5)

EDIT: As some motivation for you :
Yesterday i launched my TeamStats page in the german lfs forum with great feedback. I am using lfsworldSDK as the backend to retrieve the stats of the drivers and store it with MySQL. Check it out here: If all goes well i will also announce it "officially" here in the forum. But i want to clear most bugs before
Thank you
Last edited by MikeB, .
S2 licensed
Translation is quite right troy. "AU" means "Abgasuntersuchung" which is an yearly inspection of emmision values.

And i have to agree to Danowat - mods, please move this to OffTopic
S2 licensed
Do you remember the popcorn sound of S1 damaged engine? Actually this was not soo way off: ... p=451755&postcount=17 (from a german motorcycle forum)
The owner complained about massive fuel consumption...
S2 licensed
Quote from Count Duckula :Not so difficult now was it. - just need a programmer to code it now

Reminds me of the many failed ideas where someone comes up and says "I am developing a super-app. But i am looking for artists, 3D engine developer, programmer and game designer as i do not have a clue about what i am doing."

Duckula, please do not take it personally, but I've seen this too many times
S2 licensed
Quote from Widdowmaker :
By the way - You need to loose the totallitarian Neo Nazi attitude..... The jack boots and the Sparks like tash do not suit you.....

Blame is so easy to attirbute when you have a Singlular thought process..... When are you invading Poland by the way?


Gratulations Widdowmaker. It took some time for Godwin to appear again
S2 licensed
Honestly, i think this would be a good idea. If there are wheels on the market (like XBox360) that support vibration and FF this would be great! Of course it should not be canned effect, but "real" according to engine revs and wheel/surface condition. Imagine the vibration when running with a flat tyre or with a bent suspension.

Canned vibration effects: -1
simulated according to road and car conditions: +1

... but this should be moved to improvement suggestions
S2 licensed
Quote from DeXteRrBDN :
At LFS-Spain's leagues we used to have over 150 people racing every monday, and before patch X, the 80% of our racers were finishing our races.

With the new patch X and with the "can reset" option disabled, we've seen than nearly 40% of people can finish. We've seen the problem is when you hit slightly any fence or any car, you may fly and end upside down....

I have to agree with Becky above. From my experience this happens quite rarely, unless you are using custom layouts with barricades etc. So do you use layouts a lot? Then i can fully understand the problem (and anyway i see the collision handling as a high priority issue!) and would vote +1.
S2 licensed
Quote from s1m0n :Not sure it has been posted, but today received an error while viewing spr replay.
Replay just halted saying "Replay OOS error" blinking in the middle of the screen. Happens all the time but noticed in this particular replay.
Replay is AS2 XFR WR (dime_miki ). Replay is recorded in U patch, viewed in W41 test patch.
Sry if posted before.

Thats because U and W are incompatible. Not a bug
S2 licensed
Quote from windmouse :
edit: I haven't read Jamexings latest post and I absolutely agree with him

Now whats that supposed to mean?
S2 licensed
Please no autorestart. This would be a workaround to the original problem, but not a solution. As already mentioned, there are already insim apps to support this if you really want to have it.
Imagine you have autorestart with a grid of 30 people. You will have a lot standing cars at start because the driver is doing sth. else (browse the web, pee, whatever...).