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S2 licensed
im using a cheap ps2 type controller.

i also primarily drift, which i do a lot of full throttle shifting and clutch kicking, but only because thats how i've learned to do it IRL.
S2 licensed
mkay, i put this in my settings folder but i cant get to it in the game now that i've dl'ed the new Y patch....
S2 licensed

some of us arent playing with expensive controllers/wheels.

these cars have $5k sets of shocks, but a clutch that cant handle a full throttle shift, which is pretty much the equivolent of a stock unit...

and i know about beating the hell out of a clutch and getting a clutch that will last, check my sig, the clutch in my car has a lot more abuse, dyno pulls, 4th/5th gear standing burnouts than that video shows.

S2 licensed
i dl'ed it and i like it. nice work, thanks for sharing it.
S2 licensed
cant use these online im assuming?

any pics?
S2 licensed
Quote from Woz : Not all cars have the space in the wheel arches to allow 45deg lock.

not any cars have the ability to adjust compression and rebound independently on the suspension either. but since were talking about live for speed realm or reality, we would be talking about heavily modified cars, of which tubbing the fenderwells and running flared fenders is WAY more common than seeing shocks that yeild the adjustability allowed on ALL LFS cars, in addition to the equivalent of a quick-change rearend on an IRS setup, muti plate diffs, clutches, braking systems more complicated than the whole entire model t, etc.

apples :: apples


cherries :: mashed potatoes
S2 licensed
i dont feel like clicking stuff, but ill give him benefit of the doubt. its just hard to figure out how people have enough free time to work/build/race. only reason i've been active lately online is because i've been pretty sick, and just now getting where i can function again.

+1 for back on topic, like i tired to do in my book-long post.
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :I take your two years, and raise you eight. And add on a whole lot of working with cars before it became my job as well. And I'll add racing as a full-time hobby too.

i find that near impossible to beleive, but this is the internet, so whatever.
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :Great! So you, I, and many others agree that the setup options on road cars are far too adjustable. To be honest, I think nerfing the available settings down to more real life based adjustments would be a great step towards setup realism. Funny that you use this IMO huge flaw in LFS setups as argument for more steer lock.

i was pointing out that its stupid easy to add steering angle to anything, especailly when the cars on the game already have tens of thousdands of dollars of modification and tunability already.
heres wahts required in the steering spacers ... m%3D10%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG

Quote from tristancliffe :He'll be really angry when I point out that shocks are called dampers, not shocks, sway bars are anti-roll bars, tunable has an e in it (if indeed tuneable is a proper word, which I suspect it isn't), and ending the sentence with the word stock didn't flow very well. Maybe if we reverse our words like the stickers on the left of his car he'll understand?

Sorry kamkor. As you can see, we all accept a reasonable argument (e.g. yours) but when someone of a different... class comes into the conversation we (I) revert to slagging off drifters. This is the main problem you have to overcome as a group. Do that, and even Scawen will add whatever lock you like.

Pardon me, is this a European Grammar discussion with stereotypical assumtions, or a World-wide discussion forum for a video game about simulation racing & motorsports? Either way, I'm interested in the latter.

sorry for the hostility, lack of grammar, capitalization, proofreading etc. i'm just bored on the internet, but as someone who actually works on/builds/races cars for a living for the last two years, some of the things i am reading here trying to be passed off as reality are very high up on the ignorant meter. I really wonder if some of the people in this thread chiming in with their mis-perception of cars, drifting, car setup, car modification even own a car, and if even own a open end box wrench to allowing them to change the oil, and im sure i'm not the only one who thinks that.

seriously, look at the crap being brough up in this thread just on this page;

"stock vehicles dont have any steering angle"

"show me a stock vehcile with 45* steering angle"

"bmw has idrive"

this is 14 pages of off-topic, unrelated assinine comments. it really bothers me how close minded, ignorant, and just plain stupid and stubborn people are because they dont like drifting. its about having fun, and all the steering angle would add is fun and replay value to the people who actually drift , who are getting a tad bored with it. and its really hard not to point out the sheer stupidity in some of the comments being posted in this thread.

i think this can be blamed on people for not knowing when they dont know what they're talking about, and moderators for not keeping any tabs o this thread, and some of us for staring at the screen wondering if someone seriously just said the ignorant statement trying to pass it off as fact, and hitting the reply button so other people hoping to maybe learn something about drifting dont read and absorb the rediculous "facts" being passed off in this thread.

back ON TOPIC.

this is a ten dollar modification, and since every car on LFS already has tens of thousands of dollars of modifications, with fully adjustable gearbox, rear end, tires, shocks, suspension arms, steering systems, spring rates, braking systems, EVERYTHING is adjustable. to build a real car with the adjustability in this game using a mistubishi starion (even though in reality there is no aftermarket for this car, but just for example) would cost you probably at least $20k USD on top of the car. thats the same cost as a brand new car. a ten dollar set of steering spacers that would be installed with the aftermarket heavy-duty tierods and adjustable tierod ends that would be installed on this theoretical starion featured in LFS as the xrt is totally reasonable from a realistic standpoint.

again, here is a link on how to get about 55* out of a stock 240sx steering system, using either $2 in washers, or a $10 machined out spacer.

here is another method, and what i did on my car. quickens steering and adds a ton of angle.

Last edited by mikespeed95, .
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Maybe there was some 'hack' or 'exploit' that was being used with 45° (I dunno, maybe), which is why it was changed to reduce the ability of said possible exploit...

I don't know.

The trouble with allowed 45° is that it gives all the (altered) cars the ability to get further out of shape before spinning (in race and drift situations). This wouldn't be right in my opinion. Whilst in 90% of cases we'd never notice the extra lock, the occasional person (me, judging by my attempts on CTRA1 last night) would benefit from having an extra ~11° of lock to get him out of trouble. And that would be an extra 11° of UNREALISTIC lock (in a race situtation, as racers wouldn't fit lock increasers - I'm not saying it's unrealistic in every case)... So, if there could be a way of only enabling 45° lock in drifting mode (perhaps a D1 tyre, which is somehow crap in races or something).

In this regard I have nothing against the drifting scene, but I wouldn't want to give crap racers a 'get out of jail free' card at the same time.

well since high slip angles (such as anythign over 20*) causes loss of momentum i dont see what your problem is.drifting ceartainly isnt the fastest way around the track, the more angle you have the slower you will be giong in comparison to a car actually cornering. and the more grip you have, the more friction you have, the more speed you lose. so if anything with your complaint of "all these squirrels gonna hang with me" shoudl be "i like this idea because the more sideways the squirrel's get the more distance i put on em"

in case you are actually a squirrel yourself, which explains why you are so close to all these supposed drivers who cant keep their car under them.

Quote from BlakjeKaas :If you can show me a car which looks like one we have in LFS which has 45° steering lock without modification, then I think it's ok.

If you can't show me a car which looks like one we have in LFS which has 45° steering lock without modification, then I don't like it.

And I'm not really 'at least a bit into real life drifting', so I don't understand this.

are you kidding me?

show me a car i can click my mouse and change the type of limited slip differential.

show me a car that i can click my mouse and adjsut my 2 way shocks

show me a car i can click my mouse and raise/lower my car

give me a break dude. show me a non-drifter in this thread that has a fair opinion.

Quote from AndroidXP :*Just for info*
I guess it's pretty reasonable to say the XRT, which is probably the car that most of you would choose as candidate for 45° steering lock, is based on the Mitsubishi Starion.

Doing a quick Google search I came up with these facts:
Mitsubishi Starion
Minimum turn radius: 4.8m
Track width (front): 1465mm
Wheel base: 2435mm

I also found a not perfect but reasonably accurate formula for calculating turn radius based on the available steer lock, which is:
(track_width/2) + (wheel_base/sin(steer_lock)) = turn_radius

Now putting all this together, we can see which steer lock would be more realistic:
45°: (1465/2) + (2435/sin(45)) = 4176.11 = 4.18m turn radius
36°: (1465/2) + (2435/sin(36)) = 4875.17 = 4.88m turn radius

Take that as you wish.

does it come with 2 way shocks, threaded shock bodies, adjustable sway bars, differential, tunable exhaust, and steering angle adjustment stock?

oh wait, the xrt is modified and adjustable in the game. who on EARTH would add a 10 dollar aftermarket part to increase steering angle. ... tilink/FrontMultilink.asp

*merged posts to improve e-tact, minus grammar, etc*
Last edited by mikespeed95, .
S2 licensed
yah but how do you get those to work in gimp?

im not the best person ever at computers and i cant figure it out.
S2 licensed
Quote from March Hare :Who is the ignorant one?

I'm sorry, I'll try to be more specific for all the e-thugs who cant keep in mind the discussion at hand.

What I meant to say was
"Hey jacktard who obviuosly has never been on a drift server, nobody drifts fwd cars on lfs"

S2 licensed
here is a video everyone who thinks 45* of steering angle is useless and people cant do perpendicular on a straightaway. ... 9OIX8&feature=related

S2 licensed
Quote from March Hare :

Haven't seen a CV joint that can take such high angles.

maybe because nobody drifts fwd cars?

are you trying to emphasize your ignorance to the discussion here?
S2 licensed
Quote from Crommi :
Similiar problem with 4-door touringcars, we already have multiple GTR cars with different layouts to choose from. As for big V8 car, great for ovals or wide tracks with smooth sweeping bends, but driving that kind of thing 20laps through Southcity sounds more like torture than fun. I'd rather poke myself in the eye with a screwdriver.

driving ill-handling cars with a group of people driving the same ill-handling car is quite fun.

add 800hp to the mix and it gets that much more awesome.
S2 licensed
works way better than the keyboard. and thats all im letting myself spend in the "video game racing" dept when i've got a real raceteam / moneypit already. dont need a sim money pit, lol.
S2 licensed
eh, i've done that and have fun. i just like the drifting better. to me its more fun.

with the drifting stuff i can just go slide around with my 20 dollar ps2 controller and have fun.

what are your thoughts in reguard to having fun?
S2 licensed
+1 for v8 supercars.

stock cars woudl be fun to. no driver assists. 3500lb. solid rear axle, 800hp, slicks.

who says they can only turn left?

hell who says they are even good a turning in the 1st place? thats part of the appeal.

or sub out nascar with a trans-am / gt-1 car. just something with a ton of power, ton of tire, and ancient technology in the suspension. its fun.
S2 licensed
Quote from Riders Motion : When in real life did you saw a car going 90 degree manji's on a distance of 100m? .

where do you see drifters actually let lose on straightaways?

go look up some video from champ car demo's in cleveland. we got so bored there in 2005 we started just doing 360's every other transition down the straightaways and me and ken gushi were shooting each other with paintball guns in drift on track. but the point i was trying to make was where can people do manji nowadays? nobody videos the open lapping days where people are drifting down 1000' long straightaways i 4th gear, but look up vids from hawaii as they have the most documented bit of it. people do it all the time, whentheres a straightaway available to do it on.

the 90*thing is a limited scenario thing, you can only do it on corners where you have a much higher entry than exit speed,where you come in near perpendicular, hold throttle, then you wait for the rear to regain traction, transition, and back to clutchkicking yoru way around the next corner at normal speed. it would just be more controllable with more steering angle. its impossible to hold 90* around a sweeper or anything as you lose a lot of speed doing it. but on a corner you can enter in 5th, followed by a 3rd gear corner, using the massive amounts of angle and a 4wheel drift to slow the car down works well, and is kinda fun.

im not saying i do it every single corner, im just saying its doable and it'd be easier with more steering angle as would a lot of things, and would increase the fun factor of the game tremendously to those already bored with 36*.
Last edited by mikespeed95, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Qvarnis :
As a matter of fact, drifting is a lot like racing. Wouldn`t say that from showdrifting, but all the twin battles are alot like racing. You just get style points from how you drive, and you get judged by the speed, angle and amount of smoke. The more you got all of them, the more you get points. And just in case someone didn`t know, if you pass your opponent while doing a drift in a battle, you`ll win immediatly.

these are some nice assumptions you've posted, but as somoene who helps hands out nopi drift liscences in real life and is pretty familiar on drifting etiquette im going to clear up several of your misconceptions.

1) no drift sereies on earth really judges on smoke. you cant. different tire compounds produce different smoke, different driving styles produce different smoke. back in 2001 smoke was important, but in 2007 its really not.

2) the only series that still even ALLOWS passing is d1, and i hear that may not be around much longer either. (passing rule, not the series).

in the argument ofadding steering angle it also means making you guys realize what drifting is about that are giving it so much unwarranted flack. its about having fun.

and again, nobody is saying its impossible to drift with 36*, its quite possible, and there are a lot of turns you can drift at 90* on lfs if you do it right, but but but the added 9* of steering angle would increase the cars capabilities, and right now from what i've seen on servers over the last couple days, theres a lot of people at the capabilities of the car, and i think it would make it way more interesting if 9* of steering angle was allowed to be tuned into the car.

Also all you racers that dont seem to notice the fact that the steering angle paramiter is adjustable, even if its max 45*, you can turn it down to 12* and act like you're driving a dodge viper with 10'' wide slicks on front all you want on a video game. its adjustable.
S2 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :All forms of racing, not motorsports, as far as I understand.

No, I don't think it would be difficult to implement, but by implementing something for drifting, then it ventures out beyond what the focus is.

If I was developing LFS, I would not be too happy to load up the populated server list as it stands lately with 90% drifting and cruising servers (not that I have anything against these activities personally).

Who cares? The whole point of this game is to have fun, lighten up. I'd be happy that whatever number equals to 90 percent of these people are enjoying my game.
Hi everyone, its just a video game, and this is just a suggestion from a paying user.
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Why?!
Everyone else can drift it as is in LFS, so if someone must need the game to be modded "cuz they can't", then they should get better and improve, seeing it's not bloody hard to drift really.

Quote from Takumi_lfs :Seeing as you cant do anything about the lock, and yet still 90% of the drifters can do it.

Quote from axus :Bare in mind that we also use much quicker steering than IRL because of our wheels being limited to only so much which makes drifting significantly easier to begin with. People manage to drift very well as it is, why can't you?

Dear fellow internet users,
Please remove your keyboard from your ass, and realize that not everything in life is a pissing contest, nor is there a need to degrade anyone that doesn't agree with you 100% on the internet.

It will IMPROVE THE REALISM to the people who actually drift cars in real life*.

Everyone can drift with the stock steering on the lfs cars, jump on a drift server and watch.

what people are ASKING TO IMPROVE GAMEPLAY is add steering angle.

Nobody is saying its impossible to drift without 45* of lock because that is not the case, we are just asking for the ability to TUNE the the cars more REALISTICALLY. Everyone can drift just fine at steering lock now, it just gets boring after a while and people want to increase the capabilities of the car because they have reached the capabilities of the car, and become bored with it. Just like in real life, you get bored, you mod the car, you enjoy your new mod, you get bored with it, add something else.

Less boredom with gameplay, more replay value=more people playing. I paid for my s2 liscence, why is it that my and everyone else's request that as a programmer stated "is VERY easy to do" so shunned upon?

Its not like everyone is asking for every D1/Formula D car to be replicated in perfect detail. Add a couple degrees of steering angle, simple request.

Does it bother some of you that much that the drifter kids you hate might have a legitimate request thats not a big deal, you are just making a big deal out of it?

*I'm not starting one of those "I drive a racecar in real life and you race on the internet" arguments, so don't go there. Everyone is here to have fun and waste time, if you have a car to play with in real life more power to you, but it is nothing to get into a pissing contest over, and that is not my intent.
S2 licensed
Quote from Takumi_lfs :If you can't drift with 36 degrees lock then you should stop with drifting..

this is a highly ignorant train of thought, and is about on par with
"if you cant drag race with a stock automatic hyundai then you shouldnt drag race"


"if you cant autocross without slicks then you shouldnt autocross"


"if you cant go do (insert motorsport here) without (insert modification to increase your cars capabilities in that motorsport here) then you shouldnt be doing it"

and thats just ignorant.
S2 licensed
i dont know, i just remember what was on the actual track.
S2 licensed
i just read page 1 of this thread (i really wanna hop online and play again) but my .02 as someone who travels the country drifting a car.

99% of peopel who own cars that drift install steering spacers, which are normally a 10-70 dollar part (depending on car) and increase steering angle to about 50-65 degrees of angle. now since the XRT already has the equivalent of remote resiviour shocks (lets say a 4k set of MOTONS), adjustable sway bars, 5000 dollars in tire selection, etc, and if its really easy to add the steering angle from a programming standpoint, then why not let us drifters be able to install our 75 dollar steering spacers? its a very common modification to anyone who drifts their car at a local event on everyone's daily driver, and if you go pro (and with the amount of insanely organized tourneys you have online here) its a requirement.

also increased slip angle creates a lot less grip in the rear tires, so the low power XRT would be able to drift a LOT more than it can now due to the increased rear grip at a higher slip angle. corners you used to not be able to drift or sections where you'd lose all yoru speed now become sections where the added angle will help you pull thru with enough entry speed, the right line choice bla bla bla.

.02, take it for what its worth, which is $0 USD.

im gonna go play video games and kill virtual tires now and have fun sliding my virtual car on a virtual racetrack for no other reason other than to waste time.