right. myself and sam are looking at this system, and have come up with a couple of ideas on implementation of the "admins" section. Once an Admin has decided to ban based on a submission, the Ban button will then Automatically Ban this user for the specified Period from thier server ( based on the no of Days the admin decides, if not to stick with the original period from the originating ban'er). We will be approaching the devs soon, to ask them if they would host the central Database of Server admin pass's etc, which our system will API with (so basically you wont be worried about us logging into your server and treating it as our own etc etc). However, they may (and understandably) want to shy away from this. If that is the case we are planning another way of implementing this with a 2 option scheme. When you sign up to our system, you then have 2 options. Remote API (you download a script from us.. Fill in the blank details, and upload to your website after supplying us a key you make up) and our system will then interact with the API you upload to action bans etc that you request, or the other option would be, supply our system your admin pass, our system would then login, implement a ban to that server, then logout again (basically the same API but on our server).
How would you guys feel about the system functioning in such away, or is there another way you would like us to consider us using (remembering that this will be an Information system that allows easy banning, not an automated banning system)???
Any feedback would be appreciated (post here, or PM Sam