wll nw we av got all dis sorted. i wd jst lyk to say. MSN nd SMS hsn;t effecterd me splling tall ppl sll understnd me dnt tey?
Sorry i couldnt resist it :-D - on a serious note though, my spelling is quite atrocious (one t <G>) most times, but i at least make an effort where it counts
Hmmmmm... the g25 you say <G>... Oh and with the videos... no i dont do that with my DFP..... if i tried.. it would just lock itself into a slide till i crash ... bit pointless really, lol... but.... i think i am with SamH on the G25... consider it on my list
yes. Becky has become a topic of conversation in the UKCT ring for sure.. Nothing bad becky promise - Sam always seems to mention your posts on the forums ... is he following you? LOLOL
::edit ::
Yeah.. sorry forgot to Introduce Do0f... One of the UKCT Team members .. and on the best team UKCT runs.. CTR <GGG>
You try using a stickshift with no hands <G>... specially in rally, i normally end up with a tired clutch foot, and a tired right arm (the one used for steering) lol.. Nevertheless, It just doesnt feel right. i can fight the force feedback fine if i need to. But when the wheel decides it wants to lock into a slide.. there's bugger all i can do. The lock into the slide is about twice as strong to me as the normal forces.
yeah my dfp is at 360.. but i had same problem at 720 degrees to. It is now 360 as its a little easier to recover now on rally, when it goes tits up :-\.. i didnt have the problem on my old crappy Thrustmater Force Feedback.... I dont know if its something wrong with my wheel, or something in the game physics my wheel pics up on, but its nothing like it used to be getting my BMW sideways.... I could recover from that, without the wheel locking into the slide, LOL
:: btw i dont recommend trying this.. You lose your licence if caught ::
ah well.. if anyone else with the problem finds out how to fix it please lemme know lol
Does anyone else have the same prob i do with dfp?
basically. I have forces set to 100 on wheel, and 40 in game (all other effects on but at 0 in profiler).
anyways. i find one some occasions, when i need to opposite lock out of a slide (when in rally for example), the wheel puts a crap load of resistance , normally resulting in a crash..
my wheel buggered? or is there a setting i can tweak? lol
in the postcode search for -->Your abuse here<!-- is the way to make something simple. I'm not going to go into details on how to do something a little more.. erm... advanced... i dont want CBS knocking on my door lol
Hi Guys. Our Provider seems to be having some issues this evening. and we are experiencing a little server trouble. Sorry for any incoveniences. we are beating our Provider with a big stick as i speak :-D
hmph... I wondered why sam was asking me for my email address <G>.... well i check that email once a day... and these forums once every 2 days or so... i'll try and keep on top of it.. but i cant promise to be as efficient as Sam over there <G>
ok..... pictures are available at http://www.getpissed.co.uk .... yes i was lucky enough to purchase such a kick ass domain ... we will add a small section commented specially for the lfs people soon... so they can tell who is who from ukct