SamH Has decided he wants a new series in LFS
SamH from UKCT SSR Has decided that he wants a new series to start in LFS. Scawen. If you can add these vehicles to LFS he would greatly appreciate it :-D

PS: SamH would like to know if Becky likes tractors
Attached images
#2 - Smax
You're a baaaaaaaaaaad man
#3 - th84
I didnt even know he was into farm equipment, something to think about i guess.
We have a follow up, courtesy of CTR:John with photo copyright of SSR CD :-P
Attached images
Quote :PS: SamH would like to know if Becky likes tractors

They aren't the kind of Lamborghini that would normally drop my knickers.
Quote from Becky Rose :They aren't the kind of Lamborghini that would normally drop my knickers.

We'll just sit back and wait for the video , Becky
A Marks & Spencer production.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
#9 - SamH
I'd just like to take a moment to apologise to everyone for the above drunken posts made by several of the CTR members of

A friend of ours was kind enough to throw a joint 40th for me and another (non-LFS) member. It's something of a tradition to attempt to hack each others' laptops, text sexy messages to random people on each others' cellphones and take lewd photos of people who are trying to sleep. I (or I'm sure one of the CTR clan) will post a link to the resulting photo gallery for anyone who wants a laugh and has a strong stomach, once the revelers disperse over this next week
Quote :He's like a bigger, whiter version of my nephew - who just adores tractors for no apparent reason. He is only two, mind...

my freind is 16 and he still loves tractors. and wagons. infact one day he made me pay to go to a truck show, and when i was there he jus giv me a rag and made me help him polish his wagon. talk bout cheeky

Your avatar is freeking me out. Make it stop.....
ah, thisnameistaken, sure, all Irish boys when they're young are fond of tractors . I know I was and so was my neighbour
Dig for speed s3?
ok..... pictures are available at .... yes i was lucky enough to purchase such a kick ass domain ... we will add a small section commented specially for the lfs people soon... so they can tell who is who from ukct
#17 - Mc21
I think we need an LFS multiplayer endurance tractor racing event...
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Quote from thisnameistaken :Nah we've got too many racers from Norfolk, the rest of us wouldn't have a chance.

#20 - Jakg
im a good ol' suffolk boy me!
Don't forget Devon!
well im about half an hour from newcastle, slightly more if theres a woman driving. :P (joke)
LOL!. oh dear what have i started :-\.... Anyways.. I'm in cornwall atm... plenty of tractors to race around here <G>
I'm all for it. And when it gets added to the STCC season, all of the commentary must be done in a Norfolk or Yorkshire accent. Obviously people who already have one of those accents would be required by new rule 27.6 to use the other one

"Moi tra'tur be fahstr'n yoars"