Hi, post your protests exactly like this:
Your Team:
Driver to Report/Team:
Race Time:
What Happened:
SG for Car #20 (missing deadline and rejoining track after shift+s/p)
DT for car #21 (chatting in last race)
SG for car #17 (missing deadline and wrong skin)
We discuss internal about your offense against the admins, maybe this have some consequences and maybe it's for you not needed to race again in this "shit league with shit admins".
You can post your oppinion, but without offense against other peoples they use their leisure to provide you good races. I'am very angry about this!
Please post your driver rosters for the third race in South City Long Rev. here.
Please use EXACTLY the following format (nationality field added for tracker reasons--please use ISO 3166-1 alpha 3 codes):
Team Name: Car Number: Drivers:
F.Name [lfsw] NAT
Remember, according to the rules a car's weekend drivers roster may include between 2 and 4 drivers from the team's overall roster, as posted and maintained in the signups thread.
Rosters must be confirmed by 17:00 UTC on the 2th July.
Confirmed Teams:
01 Scuderia Forza
02 Estonian Endurance Racers
03 Experion Racing Team
05 Lightning Racing
06 Sonicrealms Racing EDT
07 RaceSim Radicals
08 E-Team
09 Sim Racing Society
11 Guglhupf Racing Team
12 FUBAR Racing Team
13 Lublin Racing Team
15 SimRacing Klub PL
16 ZION Team
17 Fluid Racing
19 Serbian Chromed Pistons
20 Clockwork Motorsports
21 UER-Racing
22 SimRacing.lt Team
24 Xcite Racing
30 Griffin SimRacing
32 Capo ARG
Teams missing event:
10 flash-racing
18 Advanced Drivers
25 Gospel of Torque
26 Revolution Junkies Team
28 Factory Phantom Racing
29 Storm Racing
Guest Team:
00 spdoRacing
Waiting List:
33 XFusion
35 Conedodgers - roster posted
36 Dinamo Motorsport - roster posted
37 ISR Team - roster posted
38 Windstyle Racing Team
Waiting list drivers/managers prepare, post your rosters already now if you want to participate.
14 Qlimax Motorsport
According to rules (rule 2.4), the following cars will get a drive through penalty after racestart:
Car #20, Car #17
Quote from the Race 3 Confirmation Thread. Next time, pls post the countrycode (or maybe simple "Scotland") right and we will set it in the tracker right too. I don't know where are you from. I set the teams and drivers like the guys have it written in the confirmation thread
No discussion about that DQ. The driver haven't trained enough (maybe nothing) and drive that big shit on a heavy track. Sorry, but before other cars and teams get kicked off the track, we decided to DQ the whole team.
In first race of GTAL we had the same situation and DQed the team to late. This cost 2 other teams the whole race. Thats why we reacting this time so fast and hard.
This is a amateur league right, but not a league in which you haven't to train and can drive about 12 seconds slower then the fastest team.
This was a normal race incident between you and D.Tšubenko, for both, leave next time more space and there is no problem. No penalty needed, the other drivers had no chance to avoid this.
Zunächst, du brauchst beim besten Willen kein Windows 7 Release Candidate dafür. Wenn du dich damit ohnehin nicht auskennst, lass es direkt sein, da machste mehr kaputt wie gut.
Nun lädste dir im Web erstmal den neuesten Nvidia-Treiber runter.
Danach suchst du bei Google nach Driver Cleaner, ebenfalls runterladen.
Anschließend gehste in deine Systemsteuerung -> Software / Programme und suchst darin erst nach allem was irgendwie mit ATI zutun hat und deinstallierst es.
Danach machste nen Neustart.
Anschließend gehste wieder in die Systemsteuerung -> Software / Programme und machst das selbe mit Nvidia . Also alles was damit zutun hat, deinstallieren.
Dann machste wieder einen Neustart. Nicht erschrecken wenn das Bild fürchterlich ist. Nun startest du den Driver Cleaner und folgst den Anweisungen auf dem Bildschirm. Der Entfernt alle Reste die irgendwie überlebt haben (was bei ATI gerne vorkommt).
Danach wieder neustarten und dann den neuesten Nvidia Treiber installieren. Und dann schauste nochmal ob LFS nun richtig funktioniert.