Well Leeds in good ol' Yorkshire was windy(but nothing like 60mph) and we had splutterings(i think thats a word) of rain here and there. It calmed down now the night has came.
So how come your doin this? iv seen that theres alot of sillyproject servers on LFS but not all are in use at the same time-i assume yur taking them down and puttin free ones up for people like me(witch is very nice of you by the way)
I must agree seen as is its my teams colours (Green and Black that is-Not just green that WOULD be lame.)
O/T Just buy another game to keep you occupied if you cant wait 'til Scawen and Co. wave their magic wand(the same wand-all them hold on to it) and releases yet another great patch.
Sounds good i might take a free one off your hands soon :P -im Organising a race for the team and others so i will proberly need one. Il PM you if/when i need one.
I like the idea of it,it would mean making pit stops ealrier just to make sure of the tires instead of racing till theres 0.04mm of rubber left. I use the F9 screen say everey 3 laps on a longish race just to make sure that the battle im having with another player isnt killing my tires too much.
Cone dodgers 1 is a good one if you want to start racing the big GTR cars there used to be problems with others messign up peoples races but latley its been actuly very good,pity my nearly new wheel is basically broken =/
Well hello all, Im the leader of [GLOW] and althoght the team has been around for a while its only now we'v got our selfs in gear and made a website and forum. The forum is complete and fully functional but the website is still under construction. the forum link is http://forum.team-glow.com please do have a look you might see somethign you like.
The webby is in my signiture.
The team is for anyone,we have been prodominantly(sp?) a cruise team but me and some other members of [GLOW] are wanting to start getting into leagues and racing in general. Everone is welcome so please register on the forums. see you soon hopefully.
Try CTRA1(formerly the CTRA/STCC servers) for some racing but if you want to relax while getting back on your feet try some of the cruise servers if you like.
Download Version V and get tweak it all still works i had it on for a friend the other week. if i come across the links il post 'em here.others use the search function.
All im going to say is Let the Dev's do what there doing atm (aka S2 + later S3) and once they have done that-it will proberly become open for modding then you can have anything you want.
And then you can all come back here and complain about how crap most of the tracks,cars and helicopters with 20mm outboard guns will be as well...