since bose got banned for saying arab like that, the devs would deff ban him for saying that to keep it equally.
otherwise boses ban would make no sence.
^ acually they have added an download system now that when you join a server and you dont have all the mods needed, you can choose to download them right there. no need to go out and search for them anymore.
okey. looks like i fixed it now.
What i had to do was to go in to my network card and under advance i had to scroll down to "UDP Checksum Offload (IPv4)" and "UDP Checksum Offload (IPv6)" and change from "Tx & Rx Enable" to "disable". Have no idea of what that means. but it fixed my problem. lol.
It fixed the problem, but still not. for some reason, i need to have LFS running wile i do the disable thingy. otherwise, as fast as i restart the game, it dosent work anymore.
i tried restarting my pc without any success, and when i tried to join specific host it loaded to "waiting for guest info", there if froze and lfs don't respond anymore. for some reason my pc completly block the UDP packet. im starting to think i have the same issue on rfactor aswell, cuz when i join a host the windows inside the meny is all grayed out and i cant do anything. so i belive its not just lfs.
tho it works fine on other games like arma3 and minecraft. guess its only on lfs then again ?
i have the same issue now aswell. Before when i had my old pc it worked fine.
Now i have bought a new pc and lfs online just dosent work at all.
i have all my settings as they were on old pc with the router and all. same operation system aswell. (Win7 Ultimate x64)
I first tried to host a server with my friends and we got the "could not get udp packet from new guest" message.
Now i tried to join another server for myself and the host list is completly empty. Kind of annoying.
Iv tried pretty much everything and im out of ideas. i dont have my windows firewall on at all, iv tried to both disable the antivirus programs (Virpre) firewall and disable the antivirus totaly aswell. no change. iv tried to allow this "Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol" but i can only find it in windows firewall. and not by myself for the antivirus program.
Just dont understand why it dont work anymore. worked like a charm before..
you should actually jump over to rFactor and (if you enjoy drifting) JDMFactor@facebook.
rFactor has pretty much everything you ask for. not as great physic as lfs. it depence on the mod quality really. good mods has good physics, but still not as good as lfs.