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S2 licensed
and u see urself as an winner ??
S2 licensed
ill guess u didnt understand that i ment that u shouldent know shit about the s1/s2 content.

Quote from Cameltoe :I'm not your average demo racer.

u mena like;"havening an extra account for trash talking so ur real account wont get durty"?

or like rockclan said;

banned for bad behavior so u rejoined with an new "mature" username ??

and fyi, i got my nickname back in the day when i like'd "Lonely" by akon.
(something i have to live with now)

i have my family and my friends by my side.
S2 licensed
what other answer would i like to get ?? ur are an demo user so u shouldent have access to the other content then the demo content so to be relistic u shouldent know shit about the content, but as we all know by ur statement ur a crackwhore, so.. dont know what else to say.
S2 licensed
"No matching movies."

on every freckin category, exept Indian film and foreign films(wich most included indian films).. -.-'
S2 licensed
but several years of "planed" content ??

that i hardley belive..
S2 licensed
Quote from John5200 :^
And a progress report will be this: "I am still working on the tire physics, because they just won´t act the way I want. Now leave me alone I have to code"

what about an progress relese from eric ?? about some content in s3..

its not like (i hope) its only scawen thats working.

eric should have done some pretty good stuff during thees years of completly silence,,
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
thats the problem, thay aint talking..
S2 licensed
oh, sry.. >.<
S2 licensed
Quote from Elochai :Here is the translate:

He cannot to paste the maps to the game. He saved the files to the layout file, but he cannot find them in the game.
Can someone help to him ?

Anyway this is my problem too...

your problem too ??

maaaan, you should have been quiet.. :wave2:

btw, its on the open config track, press shift in track menu to get access to it.
S2 licensed
oh yea, thats right, iv got it backwards.. lol..

ignore my erlier post..
S2 licensed
iv only heard about that, could be wrong tho..
S2 licensed
i think he knew that, just had to troll abit.. ^^
S2 licensed
muliply account is ilegal..
S2 licensed
for the passneger;
make ur custom view cam in the passenger seat area and press tab to ur friend and change to custom view.

and dont complain about 1 map, u want more, buy it, it worth it..
cant afford it ?? save up.. (Y)
S2 licensed
thos that are stupid enought to log off everytime thay quit the game maybe ??
S2 licensed
Quote from racer autov8 :Live For Speed isn't a horse game

it aint a "drive-your-childern-to-school-game" ether..
S2 licensed
I actually agree to some part,

the safety car would stick out abit. with the light ramp on the roof.

this should only be for cars that are safety car related, as is standard cars. (with hard roof)
S2 licensed
nice drifting exept that damn dirtdrop u do after the brige..

god damn, looks like shit..
S2 licensed
wow, nice drawings..!
S2 licensed
yeap, strobe lights is the light ramp on the roof..
S2 licensed
we dont need that animation live,

but it would be great if it could be in replays..

cuz the only time u really need that kind of animations is in movies for the realism..
S2 licensed
Quote from Forbin :KY3X Maximum is a whole track using the open config.


1, used on an existing track, not unike, but yeah, kind of unike..

2, he uploaded it on the forum.. ofc ppl will download it and share it..
not really what the topic here was about..

its keeping it private but still share it on the server so ppl can drive on it, not download it..
S2 licensed
Quote from Forbin :Seems only cruisers and drifters are concerned about this.

Racers generally seem to want their layouts to spread (e.g. Boothy Chicane, KY3X Maximum).


1 extra chicane here, or even 2.

same thing as making an hole new, unike track.. (Y)

my thread about this..
S2 licensed

Original text:

"this is fake"

...30 translations later we get:



Original text:

"Do you wanna **** is the best way to pick up chicks!"

...30 translations later we get:

"Satan is the best girl!"
Last edited by Mr_Lonely, .